Laura, is this your first child? I am also very glad to see that I am not going through this alone and that we all have the same worries?
i am 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant this is my first and i feel my lower back is getting bigger i do not know if is my waist or my back. And should i run in treadmill i normally do a lot of exercise but i don't know what to do?
im due on the 26 th of january but i think if u book a c section they take u in a few days or a week b4 ya due date has n e one had a pre booked c section what happens.
| jd - November 27 |
ime due december 13th and very scared now
I am due january the 11th and I'm scared.....
is it ok to dring tea while pregnant
that is totally normal. THe girl who said that she wore her regular pants the whole time shouldn't have said that other people should be able to too. That's crazy. It's normal to be all puffy. It's bloating. I am only 5 weeks and way puffed up in the legs and stomach. But its water. There is no way that I just woke up one morning fat! I don't eat enough to gain weight like that. Don't worry. Take it easy and wear stuff that is comfy!
I am six weeks and can't wear any of my jeans that I use to and I'm not a big girl either. My belly is sticking out and I feel more comfortable in sweats or pants that are elastic....never thought I'd say that!
I have gained like 8 lbs!!! I feel really yucky. I'm only 7 wks and I don't know why I gained so early since I'm getting fuller faster so I"m not eating as much and I'm eating much healthier-lots of salads and veggies.
Rachelle, yes, this is my first child- seven weeks yesterday- it is very cool, but taking a while to get used to the idea that i am actually pregnant!! How about you- are you on your first child?
congrats Laura. When are u do ..I'm due jan the 11th yup its coming up and I am soooo scared..
Yes, this is also my first child and I can't get use to the idea that I am pregnant either. Maybe because I have not had very many symptoms yet. If you don't mind me asking was this pregnancy planned of unexpected?
| jj - December 1 |
hi all i remember posting here when i was 6 weeks pregnant.and its gone so fast ime due december 13th and ime scared cant stop worrying about the birth good luck all and it does go fast
I'm in my 6th week and my jeans are slowly becomming uncomfortable. The belly is starting to show.
I'm supposed to be 7 wks today,but dr. says I ovulated later and vag u/s is showing me at 5 wks, 5 days today. Still cramping off and on during day. Also very tender to touch lower stomach. I'm having liquidy discharge too. Anyone else having all this??
a fetus at 6 weeks is like 3mm long that is tiny so i always find it strange when people say they show at 6 weeks everyone i have known have shown at 4 months mostly not even till 5 months all those who say they show at 6 weeks if use dont mind me asking r n e of u really thin.