
Hirsutism is a medical condition that results in a disproportionate growth of coarse, dark body hair. This disorder can be caused by genetic or endocrine system abnormalities, such as PCOS and Cushing’s syndrome.

Hirsutism can also develop as a result of medications that impact your hormones, like testosterone and androgenic steroids.

Aside from excessive hair growth, symptoms of hirsutism also include a deepening of the voice, shrinking of the breasts, increased muscle mass, growth of the genitals, and irregular menstrual cycles and periods.

Depending on the cause of hirsutism, the disorder can be treated a variety of ways. However, hirsutism is generally a chronic disorder and once treatment is stopped, the condition comes back. Excessive hair growth in pregnancy, however, is a temporary condition that normally resolves itself after birth.

Now That the Baby is Here…

As your hormone levels return back to normal after the delivery of your baby, your hair will return to its normal growth pattern.

Because much of your hair will now be coming out of the resting phase, it will likely seem that you’re losing a lot of hair, especially since much of it will appear to fall out at roughly the same time.

If you feel that you are losing too much hair or are starting to notice patches of missing hair, though, make an appointment with your health care provider. This could indicate a medical problem or a lack of some vitamins and minerals.

Now that the hair on your head is returning to normal, what about all the body hair you grew? In most cases, this should disappear within six months after giving birth. In the mean time, you have a few options as to how you want to deal with this unsightly hair.

Both during and after pregnancy, it is considered to be safe to shave, pluck or wax that extra hair. Although bleaching and depilatories are an option, since these are chemical based solutions, you may want to avoid them while you are pregnant.

Permanent hair removal methods, such as laser hair removal and electrolysis, are thought to be safe during pregnancy as well, but women are often encouraged to wait until after their pregnancy just to be on the safe side.

Table of Contents
1. Hair Growth in Pregnancy
2. Getting hairy?
3. Hair Growth in Pregnancy2
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