Has Anyone Ever Heard Of Quot Not Producing Quot
1 Replies
O.K., so my childbirth educator is a br___tfeeding consultant too and the local la leche league women here tell me that there really isn't any truth to when women say that they "didn't produce enough br___tmilk to br___tfeed". That if you aren't pruducing then it is related to something else, baby isn't latching on correctly so he isn't emptying the br___t completely not signaling your body to produce, you waited too long to br___tfeed after birth, etc,etc. IS there any truth to not producing enough br___tmilk or can it always be related to diet or technique or something else that happened (or mom not being able to br___tfeed due to emotions/pain/etc and not wanting to tell folks that)?
My sister-in-law's milk never came in. She never leaked colostrom, or anything. She tried b___stfeeding both of her daughters, and never was able to get it to work. I don't know why - I think her doctor ultimately told her it was because she didn't drink enough.