Bottle Feeding Vs Breast Feeding
4 Replies
I am 5 months pregnant and have know from the very start that i do not want to br___t feed, for reasons i am not really sure of, but the thought of it makes my toes curl, i am fed up of people saying "br___t it best"..... my question is do most people br___t feed??
Why does it matter? If you don't want to b___stfeed, don't. Don't make such a strongly personal decision based on what's popular.
Breast is NOT best if It's not going to work for you. But, a personal story. I too hated the thought of b___stfeeding. I still do but I wanted to give my son what was made just for him. I gave b___stfeeding a try. It wasn't as bad as I thought once I got past the first few weeks when it really hurts. My son is five months old and is still b___stfed. I work full time so he is bottle (formula) fed when I'm at work. It really has worked out good for us. (a lot cheaper!!) But as I said, if it is something that you don't want to do, don't do it.
| C - October 29 |
Breastfeeding is not for everyone. If you don't want to do it, don't. It's very hard at first so you really have to want to do it to suceed. I personally had a similar situation to Kathryn. I figured I'd at least b___stfeed to give him the Colostrum which is supposed to be so good for him. Then I realized what a huge savings it is. I pump twice at work, b___stfeed twice, and then he gets the rest in formula (normally 6 oz a day). It's your business what you want to do for your baby. I have plenty of friends who did not b___stfeed and their children are fine.
I also know plenty of people who were not b___stfed (including myself) and are fine. I agree, if you don't want to do it, maybe it's not the best thing. I will most likely do it for a few days to get the colostrum, then go to formula. I am a DD to begin with and I know I will not be happy with giant b___bs. If you are not happy, the baby picks up on it. And that is definetly not good for baby!