Breastfeeding In Public

98 Replies
Sarah - November 18

Good for you. Trust me it gets so easy the more you do it. All I know is if my dd is hungry and were in public I'm going to b___stfeed her. What she needs is more important than what any stranger thinks!!


mama-beans - November 18

Just personal opinion here, as we all have.. but........ IMHO you should NEVER be ashamed to feed your child. If that means you "expose" yourself a little, then so be it. If you aren't a "pro" at feeding your child... the important part is that your child gets fed, not that the complete strangers around you are comfortable. If it is easiest/most comfortable for you and your baby to have a portion of your b___st showing during feedings, you show away, mama. Your b___sts aren't something to be ashamed of. You aren't using them s_xually, and people who ONLY think of b___sts in such a s_xual way need help, and they aren't your problem. The law is on your and your childs side. If the perverts and devients can't handle that, let them deal with it however they want. I have never had someone say anything to me, but if they did, BOY would they get an earfull! I don't "expose" my b___st for them, I am feeding my child. If they are uncomfortable with such a natural act, then feel free to look away. I am not going to hide the fact that I feed my child and use my b___sts for their intended purpose.


Kim - November 18

I have been b___stfeeding my son for 10 and a half months now. I have travelled with him, and taken him everywhere with me. I've never found it neccesary to feed him out in public. Now a days there are always parents rooms, and even nursing rooms available. If I absolutely had to feed him in public, I would do it discreetly with a blanket.


mama-beans - November 18

Not always, and I simply refuse to feed my daughter in a bathroom. I just don't think people should make you feel ashamed for being a woman. I mean, really, what seperates us from men? Uterus to hold and grow children, and b___sts to feed them with.


Tina - November 18

Who is making you feel ashamed for FEEDING your child? I bet most everyone is FOR b___stfeeding the thing that one should be ashamed of is showing there b___sts! Kim is right you can feed your child in a changing room or a parent room BREASTFEEDING isnt something your SHOULD be ashamed of as it is natural lets face it though most people know that showing your b___bs off OR nipples, to the women that cant feed properly ISNT natural.


mama-beans - November 18

So, you are saying that b___stfeeding is natural, but b___sts aren't? What really bugs me is you are WOMEN, and you are against b___stfeeding.. you SAY you're for it, but you're only for it if you don't see it..... like it is something you should be ashamed of. Look, if there is a quiet corner and I have enough time to get to it, I will definately go there.. but if my child is screaming with hunger, and I'm in a crowded area and no quick way to get out... HELL YES I'm going to feed my child, your odd sensabilities be d__ned. I am a very modest person, but my childs needs come before my own, and the sure as hell come before yours. Sorry. And what kind of dirty mind do you have that you think the baring of my b___st for the purpose of feeding my child is "showing off" my b___bs? I'm not doing a lap dance and shoving them in your face, I'm FEEDING my child, you pervert!


mama-beans - November 18

PLUS, if you have ever actually b___stfed a baby, you would know that if you "wait" to feed ( until you can go somewhere completely secluded) your child may very well get so frustrated that when presented with their meal, they won't calm down enough to eat. Who do you think I care about then? You, and your dirty thoughts about the natural use of my b___sts, or my childs needs?


Lynn - November 18

I was in a store the other day & was so happy to see a woman walking around holding her child & b___stfeeding him. She did have a blanket over her & the baby so she didn't "show" anything to anyone, but I was like YOU GO GIRL! because there are so many people out there that would think they have to "hide" while they are b___stfeeding for fear of offending someone. The way I figure, I wouldn't eat in a bathroom, and neither should my daughter. If a mom that formula feeds can walk around and do her shopping while carrying & feeding her child, well then so can I. Breastfeeding in public can be a little intimidating the first few times and especially if you haven't gotten very coordinated with the whole b___stfeeding thing to begin with.. and yes, we will all have those little "wardrobe malfunctions" at least once where someone might get a glimpse of a little b___b or nipple. But if that someone is rude enough to be staring at me anyway, then let them be offended.. its their own fault.


Tina - November 18

Hang on a second while I stop laughing. I am not against having s_x.. but I dont do it in the middle of the mall for all to see... Im not against going pee but I dont do that outside for all to see either.Your childs needs come before your own.. then get to know your babys time table and dont go out when shes wanting to be fed.. If you were only feeding your child you wouldnt be so ill prepared and not bring something to not show off your b___bs . You claim to be a modest person yet act like you wouldnt think twice about showing everything God gave you. I find it somewhat funny that some of you are complete b___hes when it comes to what you SAY is your OWN opinion. As for your little pluss if you b___stfed a baby blah blah blah.. yup I did do it.. I know all about it THATS why I brought a blanket with me.. I know you can show your b___b.. nipple whatever. You claim you are not " showing off "your b___bs YET you clearly said you are BARING your b___bs Baring your b___bs ISNT in ANY way b___stfeeding .. I know THAT because I DID b___stfeed.


mama-beans - November 18

1. What young infant has a real time table? That is just a joke. Hungry every 2 hours... or 10 minutes. You never know. 2.You can have a blanket draped over you, but if you have an infant that requires eye contact ( every infant I have spent time with) , there will be space there for perverts to peek in and see my b___st. ........... I guess the bottom line is, I don't think of BREASTFEEDING my child along the same lines as GOING TO THE BATHROOM. It is a shame that you are so ashamed that your b___sts were intended to feed you child, and not for s_xual pleasure. See, THAT is why it is legal.... it is a normal and natural thing, and the only people who are really bothered by it are the people who think it is dirty. To be honest, I wouldn't socialize with perverts anyway, so what YOU think about my b___stfeeding in public doesn't matter in the least to me!


Beth - November 18

If that were so true that you didnt care what others thought mamma bean then why are you on here yelling and being a b___h?


Lindsay - November 18

oo just a quick comment here... It might be legal but why on earth do you want to expose yourself in that manner?


mama-beans - November 18

Well, for one, Christine deserves to see that not everyone out there is a pervert. Not every one thinks b___stfeeding is some shameful thing that should be hidden. And as to why I "expose" myself in that manner? Well, in order for my child to b___stfeed, my b___st needs to be uncovered. How else would she eat??? You want me to climb under some blanket, smother my child in darkness, hide her from the world, no bonding, no eye contact, and feed her while pretending to the world that she isn't eating. I find NOTHING shameful about a woman feeding her child. NOTHING. It is just sad that you do.


Lindsay - November 18

I highly doubt that Christine thinks everyone out there is a pervert. In order for your child to eat your b___st doesnt at all NEED to be uncovered as I have b___stfed my child and it CAN be done under a light receiving blanket. Its a little bit pathetic that you would even say CLIMB under a blanket and smother your child in darkness.. you sound like you have no clue what you are even talking about . No bonding, no eye contact? I thought we were talking about what to do when we are outside the home?How many hours do you actually drag your daughter out with you that you dont bond throughout the day in other ways other then b___stfeeding? You feel the need to bond with your child at every meal? If you want the world to know you are feeding your baby .. why not just get a sign and display it? Your like a broken record going on and on about my thinking b___stfeeding is shameful. Had I thought that I probably wouldnt of done it perhaps you need to read things again? At the end of the day I dont give a damm about your b___bs.. your nipples... whatever. I just dont want to be walking through the mall having to see them because clearly you show them off or at least you like to act like you do.


Jamie - November 19

"Don't go out when your baby is hungry" seems to be a common thought...but my 3 month old eats every 3 hours. I live 45 minutes away from the nearest if I were to avoid going out when my baby was hungry, I would never be able to leave my house. I think it's a little ridiculous to expect me to be on house arrest because I choose a particular feeding option for my child. Also, my daughter will not nurse if she's covered by a light receiving blanket, because she gets too hot; she'd be drenched in sweat in about 5 seconds. Sorry, I'm not going to risk my daughter overheating because you might be staring in my direction. Your neck isn't broken, you can turn your head. As far as nursing rooms and changing rooms - well, yah, maybe Germany is a bit behind the times, but I've never yet encountered a nursing room or a changing room in one of their open-air markets...and the changing rooms they have in clothing stores are typically being used, by people trying on clothes. What option does that leave me? Pay euro to feed my daughter in a public restroom? I think not. I'll sit on a bench and nurse her, and to hell with you and your sensibilities.


mama-beans - November 19

I agree, Jamie. I think some women here expect a b___stfeeding woman to care too much about what they think. It is not always convenient ( or possible, really) to go where people aren't. And MANY babies do NOT like to be all covered up when eating. I don't think I should have to compromise OUR comfort for yours, especially when all you have to do is look away.



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