Marijuana And Breastfeeding
280 Replies
and here is some real scientific research from the american academy of pediatrics saying that weed causes no problems and is even beneficial to the child and mother.... =marijuana&searchid=1091465289770_8780&stored_search=&FIRSTINDEX=20&sortspec=relevance&journalcode=pediatrics
and another
and wow, i know exactly what you mean about the ignorance towards mj in some communities. luckily for myself i am in central arizona and it is pretty widely accepted here.
well that didn't post right..... heres just those links..........
http://pediatrics.aappublications.o-rg/cgi/content/abstract/93/2/254?maxtoshow=&H-ITS=10&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&fulltext- =marijuana&searchid=1091465289770_8780&am-p;stored_search=&FIRSTINDEX=20&sortsp-ec=relevance&journalcode=pediatrics
I would love to know some facts aswell, as a fellow mummy who misses the weed, such as how long does it stay in your b___st milk?, but I do think that feeling guilty about it is probably worse for you and baby than actually smoking it (in moderation).
MJ clings to fat cells, and your mothers milk is high in fat, so your baby will get a dose of it while feeding. And it is a proven fact that MJ has a considerably larger content of tar than cigarettes do. Remember that whatever you take into your body goes to your b___stfed child.
I am expecting my first child and although I have quit myself for the duration of my pregnancy, I probably will smoke occasinally after the baby is born. ES, I ask you, you think that pot is the devils spawn, yet what are your thoughts on those dealing with postpartum, "doping" themselves up on prescribed medications, or dealing with pain and taking harmful narcotics such as coedine which can seriously affect your brain and liver, pregnant or not. There are many people who have smoked pot and it has affected them negatively, my husband being one of them. Him and his brothers smoke, and become uptight, paranoid and sick. That's just the way it affects them. Some people get lazy and unmotivated. It's all personal. Me, I get happy, relaxed and can't wait to take on the next task. Some people enjoy getting a little tipsy on alcohol, while I could go the rest of my life without a drop. Those hiding behind the fact that the law has deemed this so wrong need to loosen up and take a look at the statistic of alcohol related car accidents, spousal and child abuse, and general health concerns with alcohol consuption. I've never heard of a bar brawl ensuing due to consuption of MJ. I don't get why there is such a fight over "evil" pot. I doubt your fighting to make alcohol illegal even though it's effects are just as, if not more harmful. I don't think either should be illegal, but I do think we should each be responsible for our own actions, and not over do anything, whether it be pot, booze or fastfood for that matter. Just a quick interesting fact, in one study, Esther Fride of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem injected newborn mouse pups with a chemical that blocks the body's receptor sites for its endogenous cannabinoid, anandamide. The pups had problems feeding. Some of the mice died and the survivors grew slower. Pups that were given the blocker and a supplemental dose of THC fed normally. This suggests that a baby fed by a lactating marijuana user might be more likely to have a healthy, well-regulated appet_te. Not to say you should "smoke" weed while brestfeeding, but it is possible to consume it in other ways.
I am 25, with 2 sisters, age 15 and 29. My mother has smoked pot all her life and during b___stfeeding, although she did not smoke anything during her pregnancy with any of us. I can remember being around it from my earliest memories, and can not remember a time when both my parents didn't give me the upmost love and attention. They have always been the most attentive and openminded parents, pa__sing on that gift to my sisters and I. They always taught me to love, to respect, and to never judge. I am a university graduate, now working in Zoology, my older sister is a grade school teacher, and my younger sister is in the gifted program in her high school, and an extremely talented musician. I was taught about pot the same open minded way I was about alcohol. That there is a time and a place for both. Just as no parent would want their child to be boozin in up at 15, nor would they want them getting high. They always pushed the important fact that once the trials of adolecence have pa__sed and you have settled into a mature outlook in an adult state, the option of experimentation is a personal choice. Thay never told us to smoke it or not smoke it, but they educated us well enough to not feel the need for it until we were mature enough to handle it. Just as parents should openly educate their childrens with the dangers of alcohol or caffine to a growing body, so should the subject of pot be addressed. But just to let you know, anything you avoid, or deem as bad, is just that much more appealing to a rebellious teen, which is why so many children steal booze from their parents liquor cabinet and go drinking at bush parties. It's dangerous, which makes it fun. I didn't start smoking pot until my last year of high school. My parents taught me that during my formative years in high school my growing brain needed all of it's room to create a solid foundation for the rest of my life, and that my body was going through so many changes during these years that pot and alcohol would only inhibit these processes. Once I had a solid grasp on my future and what I wanted out of life, then I had the freedom and knowledge to experiment. The day I recieved my acceptence letter the the U of my choice, I celebrated with my first joint with my parents and sister, out by the fire in my backyard, and will always be one of my fondest memories. Smoking some weed and doing anything, whether it be shopping, gardening, or canoeing is one of my mother, sister and I's favourite pa__stimes. It relaxes us, and is just something we personally enjoy. I have friends who's parents looked down upon mine and would not even tolerate the word weed being spoken in their home, and refused to address many important subjects that are quite common place in todays adolecent society because it was taboo in their time.(Although many of them drink like fishes) They now barely have a relationship with thier children, because they cannot relate to them. No matter how you raise your children, or what your opionions are on anything, education and comunication is so key. If you are open and honest and allow your children the opportunity to explore who they are and what they truely feel without inhibition, you give them the freedom to be open and honest with you, and I guarentee, they will make the right choices for themselves, even if it does include toking some pot every now and then. Never condemn your children for the chioces they make, because whatever it is, you had some subconcious part in the reasons they make these choices,
There was an interesting article in Mothering Magazine a few years back citing studies that said smoking low to moderate amounts of mj while pregnant was not (significantly) harmful to fetus. I do not smoke (anything) currently, nor did I when I was b___stfeeding my daughter or pregnant. However, I do have a friend (with a degree in early childhood education) who did smoke occasionally when b___stfeeding, though I think after other food was introduced. Her three-year-old appears to be very intelligent. She walked at 9 mo. (early) and began talking early as well. That said, I personally wouldn't take the risk, because I couldn't live with myself if there were negative consequences.
It is funny how people can be SO smart as to know the effects of marijuana and yet be SO stupid to add their opinion when it is not requested. Sounds like you did your research. Their is not much info out their. Weigh the pros and cons. I have been having a stressful time with three young boys running around and being a stay at home mother. I smoke only pure marijuana to avoid pesticides and etc. That way you only need a hit or to to relax and limits to carcinogens from smoking. I did not smoke the first three months because of the one research report out there. Weigh the pros and cons. For me my kids need a relaxed mother at times instead of one yelling and freaking out at times. Stress. Look up the side effects to that! I love to smoke! I will admit it. But I control myself. I smoke at home and not when I will be driving or needed to "be on my toes" Hanging out at home with the kids or something. I will drink teas of other herbs to promote relaxation at other times. I key I try to think of is this: Try not to have a build-up of THC in you body. Always drink plently of water. If you take a hit of two everyday for three days, lay off a few days then. Moderation. I have heard of woman bragging of how much they smoked during nursing saying it had no effect of their child. If that's what they want to do, so be it. Better then formula feeding, I am sure. I smoke occationally, giving my body time to elimate the THC, just in case. Why is the Federal Govt. not funding research on the matter?
Hi mememom, sound's like you wanted to add your 2 cents worth of an "opinion" aswell. No one seems to know how long it stays in the b___st milk for, . . . is it worth pumping and dumping for a few feeds worth after a hit?.
It is best to take the safe route when your talking about the health of an innocent child. They didn't ask to be born and they are too young to tell you if they are high as a kite. My answer is it's better safe than sorry pump and dump.
Yeah, I kinda relized I too became "opinion"-ated "aswell" after I read what I wrote Either it is too many kids or the wrong kinda weed. I would pump the b___st milk after I smoke but I am not convinced that it is nessary. I don't want to tell anyone it is ok to smoke pot while b___stfeeding. I do not wish to hinder anyone from doing so as well, that is not why I posted. Am I speaking to anyone who will listen? Do I care? I guess now I do.....for the moment. I am just tring to figure out why I posted on this thing in the first place....I really need to get a life and I promise myself that I will never see a reply to this post.
well meme wether you see this post or not i just wanted to say that you are right not to pump and dump. what a ridiculous waste of something so precious as b___stmilk! thc is no longer active to get baby high off of b___stmilk by the time your body filters it through. thc takes approximately 6 hours to travel through your entire bloodstream and into your fatty cells which are deposited in b___stmilk. as any marijuana smoker knows, the maximum time that you are actually high from the thc is 30 mins to 2 hours. therefore, when it gets into your b___stmilk 6 hours after partaking it is no longer capable of creating the "high" effect. hth
Actually, mj is stored in fat, There is a very high concentration of fat in b___st milk. Just because you are not feeling the effects of it doesn't mean it's not in the b___st milk. To be sure, I would take a sample of my milk to a medical lab and have them test it. I'm sure mj will be found in your milk and in your baby's system. Only you know how much you are smoking. Only you know the gambling risk you are taking with your child's life. I'm not judging you I just wanted you to know the facts. I am a lab tech I have tested b___st milk and b___st fed babies and yes mj does pa__s. Even if the effect only lasts 6 hours for you it is still in the b___st milk until it is expressed. Mj has been linked to a higher instance of behavior and attention problems, cognative delay ect. This is not saying your children will have these problems there is just a higher risk. It's up to you if you want to take the gamble. The same is true for cig smoking and alcohol consumption.
i do believe i said that thc does pa__s through the milk. i also said however that it is no longer effective by that time. once you are no longer feeling the effects of marijuana it is because the thc has become inactive. therefore, the thc pa__sed through the b___stmilk CANNOT get the drinker of the milk high. yes, baby will still test positive for thc, but he/she never got high off of it.
i'm glad you checked back memo! it IS good to know that the stereotypes of potsmokers are usually wrong and we are not all locking ourselves away from the world to get high on our dope. lol. we cook, clean, take care of our kids, just like everybody else. and i couldn't agree with you more here:"At times MJ helps me un wind and reflect. Other times it keeps me going." hey memo, if you're interested in a website full of over 500 like-minded mommies, we also form a fantastic support group and welcome all new members warmly! drop us a line at and we can give you more info about our site.