i plan to bottle feed only.. does anyone know if i need to bring formula/bottles to the hospital with me to feed after delivery? also, do nurses give you a hard time if you don't want to br___tfeed?
This is the b___stfeeding board, try the general board to get answers from those who use formula.
| -m - September 11 |
At the hospital that I gave birth at, they had formula and bottles there that they used. I chose to b___stfeed but the nurses there supposed either b___stfeeding or bottle feeding. The nurses should not give you a hard time, it's your choice, not theirs! If you get one that gives you a hard time about not b___stfeeding, just politely ask for another nurse that will support your decision. You deserve it, you're paying for it!!
some nurses are weird about it, but its their personal opinion. hospitals, like the one i was at, push formula on you. they provide disposable bottles too. so you wont need to bring any.