I am back home from the hospital. I fell down the stairs while I was home alone doing laundry. I started having contrations but the hospital stopped them, my cervix dialated to 3 centimeters, so the the doctor did a corcolge to keep me pregnant. I was told the baby is now breech, it do not matter I knew I was having a cesarean section anyway. I am on bed rest until my due date July 10th. Can someone email me, I want to talk to someone.
I am praying for you greenterry. It sounds like you are having a really difficult time right now and that you don't have a lot of emotional support (from your other posts). I only have one e-mail and it is used mostly for school right now so I keep its contents so I keep its contents limited, but I will check on you here. Keep a positive outlook and do what your doctor says. I hope you are feeling okay today~