Terrified Of Another C Section
2 Replies
This will be my third c-section and I am terrified of having another spinal and going through the procedure. The first time I went through labor and ended up having an epidural, which I barely noticed. When they finally did the surgery I was so exhausted and out of it that I really didn't pay much attention to what was actually happening down there. The second time, it was planned and I was fully alert. They had to do my spinal twice because I almost jummped off the table. Being so alert and feeling the sensations of the procedure made me so upset that I can't even get excited about having my baby. I have 6 more weeks to go and I'm a wreck. Does anyone know if there is a way that they could numb the area on my back before they do the spinal and if the doctor can safely administer something to relieve my anixety during the surgery? Thanks for any advice.
Hi there, I have had 3 sections. During my last one I started vomitting during the surgery and then became anxious after throwing up and half way through they gave me something in my IV while they finished the surgery. it didn't make me groggy, just relaxed and didn't last long. As far as the numbing of the back prior to spinal I'm not sure. try not too worry, it will be ok, just think of the baby at the end, take care
Hey ani73, If you're having a planned section. Discuss your concerns with the anesthesist about numbing your back (they can inject local pain relief with a small needle that will hurt a little but will lessen the pain of the spinal overall. Also mention that you were quite anxious last time and would like something to relax you. Don't forget to tell him/her how you are feeling during the operation as they can't read your mind. Hope this info helped. Good luck and best wishes