My doctor told me that they will be cutting through the first one, so I guess my scar will be bigger, I never actaully asked if they will remove the other one. She did how ever say that I will only have one scar.
Wonderful, Michelle! I was on holiday and have been away from a computer. My hubby is home for a visit from Afghanistan and I want to spend EVERY single second with him!!!! I am back at work this week and have access to a computer since he left ours overseas. I am unsure, Renea, why they didn't cut through your old scars...I mean it is quite possible to have a top incision and one directly below it after they cut the first one out, but usually there aren't three or four lines no matter where you have them. At any rate, your present doctor is going to remove the top scar and you should be very happy with that as when he cuts through it, he will close it in the middle of the old scar so it will still appear as one. Good to be back, just wish my hubby didn't have to go back overseas. If this is fragemented, sorry, had to answer a phone even though I am on break!!!
I hope that all went well with the visit with your hubby!! It must be so hard to be away from him! Do you know when he will be home permanently? I hope it is soon. Will he be back for Christmas?? I had this strange dream lastnight about the c-section, is this normal? I never paniced or anything. It was so strange and so real like.