Constantly Hungry Advice Needed
2 Replies
I'm 11 weeks pregnant and for the last few weeks I've been getting really hungry every 2, 3 hours! I'm worried about putting too much weight on, I've already gained about 7 pounds. Does anyone know of anything I can safely eat often without piling the pounds on. I've tried bananas but they don't seem to get rid of the pangs. I have a thing for cheese at the moment, is there any cheese alternatives I can try that will satisfy my cravings? x
In my first trimester, the only thing that kept me from being nausaus ALL day was to eat. I ate a lot, mostly pretzels, crackers, stuff with substance, that will settle my stomach. Amazingly I only gained a couple of lbs over the course of that time. If your hungry eat! Some people gain all their weight in the begining. And as long as it's healthy stuff, your doing your baby good!
I find drinking lots of water and orange juice helps to stop a lot of my gravings.