Fetal Monitor Vs IPhone App Please Advise
1 Replies
I read there are 2 options now day to hear your baby's heart beat at home (bonding expriance for me) -
option 1:
Fetal monitor -
pros: has FDA approvals and works from as early as week 14.
Cons: expensive (vs. the other option) and emitting radio waves , so most doctors recommend not to over use them.
option 2:
iPhone app that uses the microphone to pick up the sound (like a stethoscope).
Pros: cheap (less then 4$) and not emitting any waves (the iPhone has "AIRPLANE MODE" which shuts down all comunication).
Cons: not FDA approved , works only for 3rd trimester.
Will appriciate your thoughts and comments :-)
Really need some inputs here... :-))