I broke a fluorsent tube light and cleaned it up. It is very early in my pregnancy and am very concerned. Could i have harmed my baby?
yes, im an electrician and also 27 weeks pregnant. i handle these bulbs every day. the flouresent bulb contains mercury, and mercury is harmful to your baby. the gas lingers in the air for about 30 min after breaking the bulb, hopefully you were in a well ventilated area. But on the bright side, i've broken MANY of these bulbs by accident throughout my pregnancy and everythings still fine, just next time you break one, try to leave the room as soon as possible and have someone else clean it up. exposure to one bulb shouldnt harm your baby, but if your still concerned you should call your doctor so they can rea__sure you. hope this helps, dont stress out about it, im sure you'll be fine.