You're Pregnant!

Welcome to Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an exciting time in a woman's life. There are so many things to consider and so much to understand. That's why we're here. Our site is designed to help you find your way through some of the information out there that can often be overwhelming. In our Pregnancy Guide section you will learn how to determine if what you are experiencing is a sign or symptoms of pregnancy. Questions about the first pregnancy and being able to identify an ectopic pregnancy are answered in this section as well. Find out what to expect from a doctor administered pregnancy test and begin charting your pregnancy right from the beginning.

Medical Tests - The Whys and Wherefores

Medical tests are part and parcel of a healthy pregnancy. Although you probably won't need any in-depth testing, unless you are experiencing difficulties or there is cause for concern, there are a number of tests you will need to take. If you have a history of low or high blood sugar, a glucose screening will be done. As soon as you become pregnant, blood work is done to test for various health issues. If you are an older mother, then the chances of fetal problems tends to increase. Chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis are two tests that are offered to determine birth defects. Of course, there are the standard first, second, and third trimester testings and screenings. But, the one that is the best and most fun is the ultrasound that you'll have when you're about 20 weeks pregnant. That's when you get to see your baby and even have a picture taken. Sometimes the doctor can tell you the sex of the baby - if you want to know.

Prenatal care is very important during pregnancy. In this section you'll discover the various birthing alternatives. You'll learn about midwives, doulas and obstetricians. Find out how yoga can benefit you through you pregnancy. Do you know what a fetal monitor is? In this section you will be able to learn a lot about the various methods of self-care and medical care available to you through your pregnancy.

Watch Your Baby Grow

Each trimester brings a whole new set of physiological and emotional changes. In the section entitled Stages of Pregnancy, we take you through the various developmental changes both you and your baby will experience. This is a fun section as you get to track your baby's development week by week and trimester by trimester. You'll be spellbound as you see and envision your baby's growth. When does the heart start beating? When does s/he grow hair? Find out when the baby can hear your voice and learn how s/he moves toward sound. What an amazing time this is! Be sure to check this section out. We know you'll probably spend a lot of time here learning about your baby's growth and changes.

You Said You Want Twins?

Expecting more than one baby with this pregnancy? Congratulations! We're here to give you information on twins and multiples, the challenges and joys of birthing multiples, eating properly for more than one baby, and what to expect when you deliver. Maybe you aren't pregnant yet but want to have twins. We can help you learn what you can do to help move the possibility into a probability. There are special considerations inherent in multiples pregnancies, and you can learn more about what they are in our section called Twins and Multiples.

Some pregnancies have more than their fare share of discomforts. The other word for them is symptoms of pregnancy. Our section on Discomforts is loaded with information on all of the things you potentially could experience during your pregnancy, how to deal with them and why you've got them. Some women have morning sickness at all times of the day - and some endure it for their entire pregnancy. From bleeding gums to pulling an all-nighter and not being able to sleep, we have help available for you. Be informed and learn how you can cope by reading our section on pregnancy Discomforts.

When Things Aren't As Planned

We'd like to believe that all babies are wanted and welcome, but that just isn't the case. There are times when a pregnancy happens at the wrong time - and it happens when a person is just too young. In our section on Teen Pregnancies, we offer information about dealing with the situation as well as several articles on prevention and birth control. A teenage girl who is well armed with information can make better decisions about how they handle their sexuality.

One of the very best things about being pregnant is the shopping! What woman doesn't love buying new outfits? Pregnancy shopping is a blast and we're here to advise, encourage and direct you to some of the best deals and designs around. If you're into decorating (and what new mom isn't) then check us out in this section for ideas for the nursery.

Browse the Site

This site is dedicated to providing interesting, up-to-the-minute information about all the many facets of pregnancy. Enjoy yourself as you browse this section on Pregnancy and be sure to drop in to visit other places on

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hello, I am 44 and pregnant with twins. This will make nine children for me. My husband is in the military and overseas. I am alone here without him. I am due May 23. The babies are doing well. He will miss the children's births. I would love to chat with other moms in their 40s or any other age too.
11 years ago