Is It Possible That I Could Be Pregnant Pg1290659262

8 Replies
-glassfields - November 24

In the beginning of October, I had my period. At the end of the month, I bled again, lightly, and for about a day, then it stopped. I didn't think much of it, because although I've never had a short period like that, I tend to be irregular. Starting almost right after this, I began feeling really tired. Waking up was hard, I didn't feel like moving, I felt physically drained, and started going to bed earlier than usually. I've also noticed myself being moody and getting more upset over things than usual and crying much more often. I've been getting heartburn for the last two weeks, which I don't ever get. It happens more or is more noticeable when I'm in bed. I've also been experiencing random nausea and dizziness. Standing for a long time especially has been randomly making my head spin until I need to sit. The nausea is usually just moderate, but I have thrown up twice. My stomach feels strange when I put pressure on it or sit/lay in certain positions as well. A few days ago, I had cramps for just a few hours. Even with all this, I feel skeptical, because for one, I have always heard sore and tender br___ts are the main thing. My br___ts seem maybe a little fuller, but they don't really hurt. This makes me think I'm either not pregnant or else it has to do with the fact that I'm barely an a cup. Another reason I'm not quite a believer is because we have been trying for eight months, and nothing has happened thus far. I would like to know what some others think. And please spare advising me to take a test. I know that's the only way to know. I'm looking for feedback before I purchase one.


MrsKari77 - November 25

The light bleeding you may have had at the end of October could have been implantation bleeding. Not all women have the same symptoms and some will have no symptoms for many weeks. I can say that I have a similar situation to you. My last menstral cycle was October 8th and I am currently 3 weeks late. I have most symptoms, however; I do not have heartburn. If you don't want to take a test at least call your Doctor and set up an appointment.


Grandpa Viv - November 25

I would be surprised to hear you are not pregnant. You are TTC, you have light period, fatigued, nauseous, dizzy, weird cramps, crying for no reason, heavier b___sts. Other signs might include diarrhea and/or constipation, more frequent urination, backache, shortness of breath, vivid dreams, lotion discharge, stuffy nose, veins showing more, hot flashes etc. Check your diet for folate content (cereal and bread packages) or take prenatal vitamins until you know your situation for sure. GL!


kibbles - November 27

Hi every1 and grandpa viv....Im freaking out I last had my period 11/2 I'm usually never late 25 day cycle like clock work my period was due yesterday and nothing just lotion like mc and acouple of day ago ewcm oh let me add i had intercourse around the 11/5 and 11/12... i'v been really ga__sy all the time headace at time and it feels like its coming fr my ear to my head but not an ear infection type feeling.. i threw up once but that was on the 11/11 i feel pain in my tummy this all started happening around the 14th until yesterday noting just leg cramp/pain and a shooting b___st pain b4 that on 11/22 i felt like my b___st was on fire it was bad i did everyting to make it stop now it just feels full and the lower part of my tummy feels heavy at time... I took the dollar tree brand test and it was neg but i took a opk 1st response test it was pos in less than 2min... i need help


Grandpa Viv - November 27

Kibbles, its difficult to tell. S_x Nov 12, one day before likely ovulation was high risk, but your supposed early preg signs had already begun. What is all that about? My best guess is that you are having a weird cycle. Keep testing at weekly intervals using first morning pee, and if you have not figured it out in a couple of weeks you should think of getting a check-up. GL!


kibbles - November 28

we'll i threw up on te 11t becuz i was drinking so im not sure i can say thats a preg sign but i have been feeling weird flutters idk its scary and around 4pm today i started spoting/bleeding light pink then turned brown by very little bit wit only leg cramp i keep checking my temp and its been going up im now at 99.8 but i dont feel sick or anything slight headace but that it and why would the opk be pos when i took it today??? im lost


Grandpa Viv - November 28

Maybe you are! If we ignore the throwing up from drink episode, there is a little more logic to it. For heavens sake lay off the booze until you are sure. The elevated temperature right now would be part of a pregnancy picture. An alternative to consider is that PCOS is responsible for upset hormones, including the unexpected opk+


gaer - November 28

I had no idea elavated temp can be a sign. Im awaiting my period, can you get preg on the last few days of your period? Ive googled, and read yes and no. Any thoughts.


Grandpa Viv - November 29

Gaer, women have been known to get pregnant from s_x toward the end of their period. It would have to be from a combination of long lived sperm and early ovulation. Some women ovulate as early as CD10. When is your period due, and what early signs do you have if any?



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