2 Replies
My fiance and I have been trying to conceive since August, 2011. On February 7th I took a 6 days before your missed period pregnancy test because I was curious. Now my period was set for the 9th of February. My test was a faint line positive, so I kept taking them with time this week, and now it's solid lines. When I went to the doctor I brought them with, (lol) and did a urine test there. His was negative. So he did a blood test. The blood test showed a hcg level of 30. He was concerned since that is really low he said and sent me for another today. I get the results tomorrow but I'm so scared. I'm scared!! Any advise??!?!!? Please help!
Last period 1/12/2012
dates of conceiving 23rd & 26th
No sign of a period, mild cramping but no spotting nothing.
Is that a low hcg? or normal? help!
Anything over 5 is maybe, anything over 50 is "for sure". The levels double every few days and can rise to 100,000 by the end of the first trimester. The levels can vary dramatically from one pregnancy to another. If the levels do not double as they should, the doc may look for an ectopic pregnancy. It is not uncommon for a woman to get her first positive when two weeks late. You are being overly anxious expecting definitive results so early. Good luck!