Extremely Sore And Erect Nipples
11 Replies
Are sore and erect nipples a sign of pregnancy? Could it be a sign of ovulation as well? I think that I am 11 DPO but I could be wrong. It's just that my nips don't usually get sore before AF. My temp has been gradually raising ever since my suspected o day.
What do you ladies think? It is still too early for me to take a test as I am not due for AF until July 30th or after. I broke down and tested this morning but of course it was BFN because it's too early.
Porn star nipples are mentioned by some women as an early sign. "Can't face the shower" is another post. Be patient and test next Saturday morning first pee, when you will know if your period was abnormal, and your hormones have had a chance to build up. Good luck!
Thanks Grandpa Viv! I will check out the other post you mentioned. I will keep my fingers crossed.
I had sore b___sts and nipples about a week after I got pregnant, so it is possible to have this symptom that early. I didn't test until after I was late, which is when I got the BFP.
It is a sign of pregancy but you never know. That was one of my signs and I got that early. I took a test when I missed my period and was feeling sickly. Maybe you should wait until your missed period. Just be patient ...don't drive yourself crazy...just relax and keep a calm mind.
I had really sore niples 2 weeks before my missed period, and I tested on 5 tests early, 2 were neg, two were pos,,and one was i was unsure, but I was pregnant, I just waited till my missed period was over and went to the doc.....my nipples always got sore but not like that my b___bs were really swollen too though....
I guess I will wait and take an hpt when I'm close to my AF date. It's just that I'll have to wait another 8 days. Bummer!
Diem, how did you determine ovulation? With AF due 7/30, any sign before 7/23 should be taken with a grain of salt. Please don't get your hopes up on a single sign starting more than a week before AF is due. Good luck!
I use OPK's . It detected a surge on CD 10. I kept using them and got a second surge on CD 20. I am just a__suming that I didn't ovulate the first time around. This is the first month that the OPK detected 2 different surges.
I don't know but I am on the deop shot been for 3 years and never got pregnant never had sore b___st but started getting sore b___st almost 3 weeks ago. Could I be pregnant. I never thought that was possible being on the shot. Can someone please respond back.
I've never been on the shot before....sorry I can't respond.
As of Saturday (1/14) I am two weeks late (My period usually kicks in at the same time same day every single month), my nipples too are very sore, with a little cramping (but doesn't feel like the normal c___ps I get) I took a test 5 days after I was late & again 11 days after I was late. Both came out negative. They said to test 14 days after we could have possible conceived, but I am not sure when that could have been. We only rely on the pill, so I guess my question is should I test again this week or wait another week to see if I miss my period again. I am beyond confused & have no clue what the most efficient thing to do is. I don't want to keep taking PT before it's time... Thoughts?