Help Period Or Implantation
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hi,.. im now confused if i just had a period or what they call an implantation bleeding... my man wanted me to get pregnant.. i had a period/bleeding last june18, but last month my period started april15, so i was 3days delayed on my usual date of period.. but 3 days prior to that so called period/beeding, we had s_x. so i thought i was already pregnant days before that, because i always feel bloated, full, nauseated at times, and a bit moody. days before i bleed, hardness & fullness is what i always felt that's why i always take a rest. i am so sad now because of what happened. i really would want to get pregnant so that my man would be happy.. the bleed started june18 & ended june 21, so it was almost 3days, then after that, i always feel the fullness & even felt that my hypogastric area is kinda hard when i touch it even if i dont have the urgency to urinate..please help me, am i pregnant? or im just a lil psycho on getting pregnant?