Home Test Positive And Doctor Test Negative
2 Replies
My wife didn't have her period as schedule. It went by for seven days. she then took the home pregnancy test and it came out positive (lighter shade line) compare with the test line. the next morning, she went to the doctor to have her urine exam and the doctor said it's negative. That nite, she went and purchased another home pregnancy test brand made by E.P.T. if you are pregnant, it will appeared 'pregnant' and if not pregnant, it will appeared 'not pregnant'. The test appeared 'pregnant'. what could have happen?
Believe it or not, but chances are the doctors test is not sensitive enough, especially since you keep getting a positive result at home. Try asking for a pregnancy blood test that counts the amount of HCG hormone present in the blood. Some tests pick up low levels, like the ones you buy, sometime doctors by mistake my use out dated ones and tend to buy the low quality since they have to get as many as they can. Good Luck!
Go for the blood test, it is the most accurate out of any test. Sweetie is right when it comes to the sensitivity in tests. Good luck.