Hi there Anxious4twins- CD means Cycle day, CD1 being the first day of your period, so what CD3-5 means is that they take them on the third day of their cycle to the 5th day of their cycle. I hope that helps :). Hey Ladies if anyone else that is interested that would like to join the "secret" Facebook group i will put up the details again, so far we have 11 members and counting (well i hope) lol. Please add me as a friend frist on Facebook other wise i won't be able to invite you onto the group. My name is Linda Pappas-Milton and my network is Australia, please then either send me a message or type in the friend request who you are on here and that you would like to be invited to the group and i will happily invite you :). The more the merrier :). Double Dust to all~ Linda :).
I meant CD3-7 not CD3-5 lol, sorry. Anyway Clomid get's taken for 5 day's in your cycle whether it be CD1-5, CD 2-6 or CD 3-7 etc etc. I heard the the earlier you take the Clomid the better chance at getting multiple follicles which help to conceive twins. CD2-6 has a good success rate. I hope this helps :).
so I should take it during CD1-5?...i've read in other forums that taking it that early may increase chances of miscarriages??...umm..oh yeah another question if u don't mind...should i take it more than one month or give it a try the first cycle taken?
I would take it on CD2-6 as it increases the amount of follies, helps with not drying you your cervical mucus and helps not thin out you uterine lining. Give it a shot this mth and if it you don't get pregnant do it again next mth, just do exceed 6 mth's of taking it, hoefully it won't take to long for you to get preggers though :).
Anxious4twins - Clomid is a hormone, so it will build up in your system over time. It is up to you if you want to wait 2 cycles or not. Often the first cycle you don't get pg anyway as your body is adjusting to the meds, but I have read about a lot of twin moms from clomid got their twins on the first round. HOpe that helps a little. Bigfamiliesrock, omg I completely missed that you were talking about this cycle with the tests!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! The equate test is the only one that matters in my eyes. Have you told your doc yet? Krissy you would be in the 2ww after you have ovulated as most people with normal cycles will have a luteal phase of about 14 days give or take 1 or 2. That means 14 days from the day you ovulated give or take a day will be when AF shows. That is why it is called the 2ww. Thanks esmerelda, I won't give up hope yet. Like I had said before the equate test has never given me an evaporation line before. When I have tested negative, that sucker is negative for like 3 or 4 days before the color completely fades out of it. All three tests I have taken have eventually shown positive. The first positive showed after an hour and my urine was very undiluted (is that a word?). Every other time I have tested my urine has been very clear. I think that to be safe I am going to start my suppositories tonight and maybe that will help my body with the hcg production. Any thoughts on this idea? Twin dust to all!
Thanks a Million LittleLinda & Bryandi!!!....I want to conceive ending July beginning of Agusut so I still have time....I will start taking the clomid in May then...I am surrounded by twins in both family sides and husbands....so I hope it happens, if not I am fine with a singleton as long as the baby is healthy!!!....I was reading the Caution label on the pill bottle and I almost peed laughing at my husbands face when he read.."Caution" May produce Twins Etc....as in possibly more than two...lol....well DOUBLE BABY DUST TO ALL...GOOD LUCK everyone...I will be keeping touch daily to see how you all are doing....
Anxious4twins- I meant DON"T exceed 6 mth's of taking the Clomid not DO lol sorry, i hate that you can't go back and edit your posts. Bryandi- I would test again when your urine is nice and dark, try not drinking anything for a few hours and see what happens then, i know when i test with clear pee i get negatives in early pregnancy. Hopefully you are preggers chick, i will keep my fingers crossed for you :).
Hi, Anxious4Twins, wecome to our group. I've heard that its best to begin clomid either the 2nd day of your period or 3rd(cd2-6 or cd3-7). The 2-6 gets you more folicles, but they aren't as mature(I'm a__suming mc or they won't implant is more likely during these days). The 3-7 has less folicles, but they are more mature. I took mine 3-7 and it didn't dry me out very bad. There are alot who really like preseed to help keep you 'moist' and I THINK it helps the sperm get to the egg. I didn't concieve that cycle, but I was only trying to regulate my cycle, pg with twins would've only been a plus. I haven't seen many posts here where ppl have taken it cd 1-5, cd 4-8 or cd 5-9. My doc advised 2-6 for me. Hope that helps. Some of the other ladies have had more experience with it so could help you more. Good luck!!
Hey all it's cd 6 in about 8min anyway and i'm on my last day of clomid and praying all will be ok. Good luck to u all. Bryandi got my fingers crossed for you. Not sure about the progesterone as it should be started 3dpo I think.
Hi again everyone. We've certainly had a bit of excitement in here since I posted... I'm not that sure what it was all about but lets hope she's gone for good now! Congratulations to those with BFP's!! Such great news and I hope you all get double blessings...
Good luck to all those waiting for O or in the TWW!
Our appointment at the bank went ok today so we should have a new (bigger) car very soon and then we can start TTC!! YAY!
Meant to say too that my fingers are crossed for you Bryandi!! I really hope this is your month!
I'm so glad I ran into this website....someone to actually talk to who is in my same position!!...Thanks everyone....I have another question that maybe someone has experienced....Since I'm taking clomid no RX my dr is obviously not informed..lol...if i do get pregnant will it show up in my blood tests?
Hi ladies I am not ttc twins but I just wanted to wish you all the best and I hope you all get what you want. I already have 2 kids a 3yr old dd and a 10mth old ds and I think they are a handful enough without being born at the same time, so my hat goes off to you cause I personally don't know if I could handle twins. My 3yr old was walking at 8mths and my 10mth old has been doing it for almost a month & what he can't reach she happily gets for him, they are thick as thieves, lol. I'm kinda hoping #3 will be more of a baby for longer (No I'm not pregnant yet but it could be in the works soon). I read some of the other thread and think it's disgraceful that a grown women (yaya I think) can act like such a child, with all that name calling and swearing, I feel sorry for her cause she’s obviously nothing more than a self loathing coward who feels the need to bring others down to make herself feel better. Ladies IGNORE her, don’t let her or others nastiness dampen any of the happiness you feel about making a new life (or 2). Anyway goodluck to you all and I hope you each get your double bundles of joy.
Mwari ari kuona zvese zvamuri kuita uye achakutongai mese. Isai minamato kuna mwari ndiye anopa vana, mukanamata muchapiwa zvese zvamunoda. Ndichange ndichikunamatirai kunyanya Schar, Bryandi, mwari akuitirei zvakanaka. Muve nezuva rakanaka.
Bryandi and all the ladies - Here we go again and you know what I'm talking about - Ignore and lets keep our little group a happy one.
Anxious4twins - Welcome to the group. I take clomid (50mg) on cd 2-6. I can only speak for myself I will be only taking mines for 3 cycles then give my body a rest, then start back up with 100mg. Good luck to you.