The other day I went in to have a ultrascree test done. I'm almost 13 weeks and they can see the baby just fine with a regular ultrasound, but the Dr. wanted to try to get a clearer view on a different angle and decided to use a va___al scope. It was a female and although I don't enjoy this, I am ok with it because I don't believe the Dr. would have suggested it if it wernt necessary. The thing is that my hubby who participated gladly in the first part of the ultrasound walked out of the roomand was later mad because he didn't like her "putting anything in" me. He was angry and actually got a little p___kly with me because I let her. I was mad at him for not staying in the room with me. Has any one else, guys, gals, had similar experiances???
I guess it could be a little disturbing to your husband. It's not nearly as invasive as a pelvic exam, and the probe only goes about an inch inside of you. Did you explain to your husband that there's nothing s_xual about it? Basically that is the hole where the baby is going to come out, and the doctor will have to do a lot more to it than an ultrasound when you're ready to have the baby. The doctor or nurse will be checking to see if you're dialated, and that involves putting a hand in there. If you tear during the birth, the doctor will have to sew you up. During pregnancy your v____a is not just a s_x organ, it's a reproductive organ, and that's what it sounds like your husband is having trouble dealing with. I have a male doctor, and my husband's been present during everything that's been done to me. He basically doesn't care, as long as the baby and I both turn out okay. Don't let your husband make you feel guilty. Your doctor won't do anything that's unnecessary.