How Possible Is It That It S Mine

4 Replies
eck52 - March 9

My previous gf and I had s_x on Dec 14th. Her birthday actually. She has been with someone else since pretty much a week after that. She's 10 weeks pregnant give or take a couple days(doctors own words), how likely is it that this child is mine? And for the record she and her new guy had s_x pretty much the first day they started dating.


clindholm - March 10

Wow, friendly girl. if she's 10 weeks, the conception date would be about 12/29. It would be helpful to find out the first day of her last period, that would help pin it down more.


eck52 - March 10

She said it was about 2-3 weeks after we did anything. But then she told me that her mom said women in her family get their next 2 periods after being pregnant. So I don't know.


clindholm - March 10

Just b/c some women in the family have had bleeding during pregnancy (which is NOT a period) does not mean that EVERY women in the family will experience this. I would have a paternity test done, this does not sound too kosher to me. Most women (not all) ovulate 2 weeks prior to their period. All the info she is providing is very vague and I'm betting you want to be absolutely sure if the baby is yours. You can ask to see the ultrasound picture which should show "LMP" and a date by which you can determine her last period and if the conception date of 2 weeks prior to LMP adds up to when you were together.


eck52 - March 10

Well thats where the problem is. She has told me that I'm not the father. And I don't think I am. It's just a nagging worry. We're good friends and all that stuff and I just wanted to get someone elses opinion. Because being 19 obviously I don't want it to be mine, and since I'm her ex she doesn't want me to be mine.



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