
2 Replies
charlene - July 13

Hi im 18 and im 20weeks pregnant my boyfriend has just told me that he didn't want this baby from the start and i don't know what to do i don't want to get rid of it because im getting used to the idea now but i just don't know what to do help me please.


dymond - July 3

im 17 and i an now 32 weeks pregnant. i was around 15 weeks pregnant when i first found out about my baby...then once i hit about 20 weeks my bf, well ex, told me he wanted nothing to do with a baby and said it was either i get an abortion or he was gone. i said good bye that instant. i began loving my baby burl once i found out and i have my mind set on having her. i cant see me giving her up to another family. if you honestly wish to have and care for this baby, do it! this could bring you more koy then you could ever what you feel is best for you and your baby, dont let someone take this away from you.


Charolette - July 13

Honey, he is just as responsible for that baby as you are, and you don't have to get rid of the baby, that baby is a part of you too. If he doesn't want it, then fine, but he still has a responsibilty to it as a father. So, you can file for child support, but maybe he will change his mind after the baby is born. Guys are uncomfortable about certain changes in their life especially if it means taking care of someone for the rest of their life.



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