Need Help Feeding My Baby
3 Replies
Hi, my daughter is 5 mo. Last month i tried feeding her cereal but she didnt like it, not that she didnt like it but she had trouble adjusting from bottle to little spoon. but now she is much better. My question is how much do i feed her. like do i have to feed her cereal everyday? and how much of it, what about gerber? And also is one of these meals suppose to replace on bottle feeding. and how many times can she eat food a day. At her 4 mo. check up she wasnt 4 mo. yet, she was 1 week shy from being 4 mo. and she was a little over 14lbs. Im sure she weighs a tiny bit more now. So can someone please help me?
soliel this is a sample menu i got from a book from hospital Early am Milk feeding then next feeding milk 2 or 3 tbsp of cereal mixed with milk or formula Noon milk then early evening milk 2 or 3 tbsp of cereal again then bed time her milk again thats whats in the book for a sample menu hope that helps my daughter is not ready yet but i take all the info I can find for when she's ready.I'm sure she will let you know when she's had enough and if not.They say to still give them their bottle or milk feeding along with cereal maybe just not as much you'll have to try it and see how much she takes with the cereal.
Hi Soleil. As Kerry has said, 2 to 3 teaspoons of infant cereal mixed with formula or b___stmilk should be enough for her, maybe even try mixing some pureed apples or pears into it for a bit of flavour. I would be offering her cereal each morning now that she has begun to eat solids. This shouldn't be a replacement for a feed, continue to offer her the formula, maybe wait half an hour or so after she has had her cereal in the morning, then offer her the formula. At 5 months, you might want to consider giving her some stewed fruit, mashed banana with a bit of yoghurt or custard in the afternoon if you feel she needs it. By the time she is 6 months, she could probably tolerate eating 2 meals a day. If you have doubts, ask your baby clinic nurse next time you take her for a weigh in.
Thank you guys, i just wasnt sure how much i should be giving her. At her 4 mo. appt. the doctor explained to me about cereal but since she wasnt trying to eat last month i just forgot what he told me. Her 6mo. appt. is in 2 weeks so If i have other questions ill b sure to ask him. Thanks ladies.