When Will I Stop Bleeding
5 Replies
| L - August 25 |
My baby is five weeks old and im still bleeding pretty heavy when will it slow down or stop???
I've been searching for an answer to that question myself! I had my baby almost 6 weeks ago, and have been bleeding minimal ever since...up until yesterday, I think I got my period! Today I have the worst cramps and I'm bleeding heavily! Uugghhh! Cant people die from too much blood loss? lol! Its not normal color either, its almost black! God I miss being pregnant....no period - cant wait for menopause!
I think it was about 8 weeks before I completely stopped. After about 6 weeks it was kinda on and off somedays nothing and somedays it was heavier. I had a C-section, not sure if that makes a difference.
Ihad a c-section aswell 16 days ago,and i bled heavy for the first week,second week was very light and now its just spotting.
I had my baby by c-section too. I thought that they sc___ped th euterus lining before sewing you up? You'd think that would minimize the bleeding... guess not! My first child was born v____ally, and I bled for 6 weeks to the day, after having her...
| L - August 25 |
Thanks for anwsering everyone. I had my baby vagionally and the bleeding is heavy and bright red.....I go to the dr. tomorrow ...hopefully I wont bleed to much longer...