Why Does My Infant Arch His Back
8 Replies
| RH - December 2 |
My son arches his back a few times/ day. He gets rigid, and screws up his face. Sometimes it's accompanied by fast, shallow breathing followed by a solo whine or cry. Why does he do this? What can I do for him? (he's 2.5 months old)
| Sin - December 2 |
I was at the doctor today for my sons 2 month appt. He asked about spitting up and if my baby arches his back and seems to be in pain. Which is a__sociated with acid reflux. You could mention that to your doctor.. My son does the arching his back when he starts waking up and i pick him up. I think hes just stretching. Anyway hope this helps.
With my older kids, they did that when they were trying to ease belly pain... they are, like Sin says, instinctively stretching to ease the cramp in the belly. If he doesn't cry he is just stretching to stretch, and we all make faces when we do that....
| RH - December 2 |
He doesn't really spit up much. Though sometimes when I burp him, he starts coughing, does this sound like reflux? I should have asked my doctor before they closed today, now I have to wait til monday. I hope it's just belly pain!
My little one does the same thing and is only 2 weeks old. Her doctor said it's acid reflux and to give her a few drops of Milanta. It may be something you want to talk to the doc about. It has helped her a lot.
My daughter has started doing this when i try to burp her, she is 6 months old, its annoying and makes it hard, she does it when she is tired. Mine has nothing to do with acid reflux or anything its just a tired burp thing she has, she doesnt do it when she has just woken and im trying to burp her, isnt it annoying though.
my girl did that to stretch and if she had gas she would arch herself and make a mean face i gave her gas drops and it helped.
My 7 wk old has done this since she was probably 4 wks old. She's had gas problems from the start. If she's on her back she'll lift her legs up high or stretch out and grunt and groan really loud!
My 10 week old has painful gas and acid reflux. He has all of these symptoms also and takes prevacid but doesn't seem to really help. I also don't know what to do about the gas. I give him mylicon and it doesn't work. He is so uncomfortable. My ped. says he has colick. I don't understand that because he doesn't really ever cry. He only grunts and moans from the gas or reflux. Anyone have any suggestions?