so yesterday we went out to eat with my 7 month old, and usually we just keep her in her car seat while we eat, well we decided to try the high chair, she sits up pretty well without any support. and she was just sitting there like such a big girl. i cant believe how fast she is growing and developing, she can also stand up holding herself for a few seconds. i feel happy and sad at the same time. just wanted to share that with you girls
That is cool, What is funny is that I can't wait for my three week old to be able to do that stuff. I am sure that I will feel as you do when it happens though. There is something precious about them when they are really little and can't do anything yet.
I'm in the same boat as you! My daughter is 7 months old also and she is growing so fast that I can hardly believe it. I'm excited that everyday shes learning new things but it makes me sad to know that it will all be over soon. And, a few days ago we just switched her over to stage 3 diapers... I can't beieve it, what a big girl!
Monica strikes again!! Can't you read, she said that she is 7mos. What do you smoke??????
Don't rush things. Enjoy your little one!! I miss having a newborn.
I"m almost in tears just cause my girl's up to size 3 diapers! I can't even imagine her sitting on her own in a high chair...I miss how tiny she was in the hospital
Angela, I know how you feel. Asjani will be 7 months in a week and a half and she sits up great on her own. She will push herself from laying down on her stomach to sitting up all on her own. She is also doing this weird "stationary" crawl where her b___t is high up in her air...her legs and arms are straight and she's rocking back and forth on her hands and feet. Sometimes she will leap in place like a frog...I remember the day she was born so well!!! Can't believe it's been almost 7 months! Sometimes it's hard to remember what life was like without Asjani...she fits into our family so well!
Aww, you guys are gonna make me cry!!! They grow up too fast!!!!
You must be perfect!!! How stupid to take the time to write a post just b/c you caught that!! The only reason I am is b/c I think you need to grow up and learn a lesson!
Maybe you should stop and think that maybe I wrote that for the same reason you did. Monica needs to grow up!!!
Why do you have to be so hateful towards Monica........that is so chidish!!!!