Home Birth-pg116697386963
1 Replies
This is my third pregnancy. I was induced with my 1st because of high BP (I was very young and at a higher risk than I am now) and I was induced with my second at 39 wks because I really wanted the doctor who delivered my son to deliver my daughter (she was just wonderful). But no real complications, I was in labor for 3 hrs with both and pushed twice with both, I was in Walmart shopping 2 days later...so it all went very smooth. I am considering a home birth with my third. The only concerns I have is I have GBS and I am Rh negative...anyone have any experience with homebirths. Would a midwife be able to supply Rhogam and IV antibiotics? Should I just have a hospital birth?
GBS is a dumb test anyway. You can test positive one day and negative the next. Just watch your baby closely after birth for signs of an infection. It's a very small chance that you'll pa__s it on. Next if you get your 28 week rhogam shot then you only get a second one if your baby is Rh+ and you get it after birth. Your midwife should be able to administer it at home or you can go to the hospital the next day and get it. I tested GBS positive and I'm doing a homebirth with my second. I'm not Rh- but read up on homebirths and you'll find it's actually safer than a hospital birth in uncomplicated pregnancies. Good luck.