I was wondering if there was anything that anyone found to really start your labor? Ive heard about the oil and tea, just wondering if anyone has tried them and been successful, or has another remedy for starting this process;)?
well for me two long walks and a really bumpy 4x4 trip through a bumpy trail really worked well for me. But I think the baby won't come till they are ready.
i didnt do much walking my last pregnancy. then one day me and my boyfriend went for a pretty long walk on the beach. the very next day i went to the dr's for my regular weekly check up and was 5 cm dialated! i hadnt felt any contractions at all. they sent me right across the street to the hospital to have my baby. i was so shocked, scared, excited, you name it. so, walking is definitely a good thing
well nothing has worked for me yet :( ive walked for 3 hours a day if not more everyday for the last 4-5 weeks adn baby hasnt even dropped (i think its his big head LOL) i tried the raberry tea and ive tried the castor oil and clary sage adn cohosh tea and the brown sugar thing god ive tried everything th was suggested on here lol my little guy just loves me to much to come out :P oh btw i was due july 26th x.x i was told that castor oil is the most for sure but its disgusting i wouldnt suggest trying it lol unless youliek drinking vaseline lol
I've tried walking, Castor Oil, nipple stimulation and s_x. NOTHING IS WORKING!! I don't want to be induced. Does anyone know any methods to dialate?? I've been 1 cm for about a month now. So...any suggestions? Because I am 40 weeks and I am tired of being pregnant!
I don't think anything will start your labour until your body is ready, wether it's worked for others or not. Good luck trying though!