I Think I Am Going To Go CRAZY
3 Replies
I am 36w. I have been having contractions every 2 to 3 minutes apart lasting 90 seconds and this has been going on for a week. Last time I went to work 4 days ago, my boss called 911 and the ambulence showed up. I work at a daycare, so all of my co-workers and a bunch of kids were looking at me as they carrie me out on a gurney. The doctors said I was 1cm dilated and they thought I was going to have the baby that day, but after being there for 5 hrs nothing changed, so they told me to go home and come back when my water breaks. My boss won't let me come back to work. The doctors keep calling me and telling me to rest and I just want to tell them to go shove it. My whole life is out of control. I think I am going to go CRAZY!!! I feel like a bad mom for wanting baby to come out soo bad. Does anybody else feel like this? What should I do?
i feel the same way im 36 weeks to but not dialating
Oh honey at the end of every woman's pregnancy they are more than happy for it to be over. I was so uncomfortable at that stage of pregnancy and I went almost a week over my due date.
yes beleave me i understand how you feel. im 28 wks and im not dilated and the baby hasnt droped yet. i have a 1 yr old that i run after all day. and ive tryed everything to jump start my labor, and nothing. i