Ideas To Get Labor Started
5 Replies
Well I am 37 weeks and i am already 2 1/2 cm dilated and my cervix are thinned! That was from last Wendesday, anyway my question is how do u speed up the process of labor? Like how do you get it started sooner?
you shouldnt try to speed up labor until you're overdue. most times it wont work anyways unless your body is ready. but 37 weeks is a bad time to try to induce labor naturally!
Well from what the doctor told me last wendesday. She is already head down and in position to come out. SHe has been for the last month! Which he told me she probably will come in about a week or 2, but thats just an estimate! So i just wanted some ideas on how i could get things moving quicker!!
I was not dialated or effaced any at my appointment on Wednesday, went into labor Thursday night, and had my baby girl Friday afternoon.
Unfortunately nothing will help unless you are ready to go into labour. Which is exactly what you don't want to hear :) My baby is head down as well and in position but it means nothing. You can walk around dilated for weeks. You never know though!
Sorry, but alot of baby stay head down through most of their gestational period. So that's not necessarily an automatic sign of being ready to deliver. Give it some time, you want the baby to be mature enough to come on her own. I know you're anxious, but you'll just have to be a little more patient. If only for her sake.