Lately (since my last dr. visit) I have been having all sorts of weird pains and pressure. He did an exam to check for dialation ( I am 1.5 cm and 90% effaced) after that exam I had very bad mesntral cramps that didnt go away, but lasted an hour or so. Now I have va___al pain, well more like my cervix is hurting. Is that a sign of labor? My stomach is always tight so I don't know if it is contracting, I tend to hurt more in my back, but I still can't figure out how to time them, and if it is the real thing. How am I supposed to know what is real and fake and what I should call about? Is the abdominal pain nothing to worry about and am I jsut feeling it dialate? or is it something to be concerned about?
hi chick listen if your worried about anything reguards 2 whats happening which u do seem to be then i suggest u see a doc or preferebly a midwife asap a doc wil just tel u c___p midwives are very rea__suring and will help u... with reguards to the cramping etc everybody experiences pain of labour differently so no matter how u try and describe it ppl may or may not relate to it as every pregnancy differs i really strongly suggest u go and see your midwife asap hunni after all thats what they there for and dont feel embarra__sed cos 90% of women go even with braxton hicks lol like myself get checked out 2 b on the safe side xoxoxo
| :o) - February 24 |
The same thing has been happening to me for two weeks now. I'm not dialated, or effaced at all. I really thought I was going into labor twice. I could even count my contractions, and how long they were.So my doctor told me that I've still got longer to be miserable with no baby coming really soon. I just think all of this is our bodies getting ready for the really tough part of labor and delivery. Good luck in knowing when it's really time. I hope we both know!
I hated when everyone told me this, but you will know when they are real contractions. I agree with Shell, call your Dr or midwife...the worst thing is sitting around wondering and worrying.
"you will know" is c___p! I didn't know. I went to the hospital, because i had felt tiny contractions all day long, i could time them but they didn't hurt at all. Either way i went in because they got closer together and they sent me home because i wasn't dialated (only .5) and they didn't hurt...but two hours later my water broke and i had to go back to the hospital. My contractions still didn't hurt, and i didn't have any seriouse. It started to hurt a little when i got to 3 cm. but then they gave me pitocin and an epidural. but still....i wouldn't have known i was in labor if my water hadn't broken