Is This Labor -pg116075407118
1 Replies
I am 33wks and i am not sure if my water had broke or not... yesterday while i was going pee. i felt my baby move and then an increased pressure and then more "pee" came out. I am not sure if it were pee or if my water had broke. My underware was a little damp but nothing major. I had a few contraction yesterday evening and a few today. 2 weeks ago i had already dialated 1cm... could i be in labor now and not know it? i wanted to ask here first before i call the doc because i cant afford to miss work if its nothing...
a few other symptoms...
i have been extremely thirsty and get very very hot especially after a contraction.
pressure in my pelvic area
sharp pain everyonce in awhile on my bladder
I think its probably the baby moving around in there. He doesnt have as much room to move anymore so the kicks that he does do are alot stronger, and he could be putting pressure on your bladder, causing you to leak. Im in the same boat as you at 36 weeks. But i would call your doctor and just explain what has been happening, if they think that it could be your water breaking they will have you come in and do a swab on you underwear or and internal swab to see if it was amniotic fluid. When it comes to amniotic fluid i think its best to be safe than sorry since amniotic fluid can go bad within a few hours.