Menstral Cramps And Mucus Plug
1 Replies
| Kz - October 11 |
I'm 36 weeks pregnant and have been having menstral like cramps for about a week. They are only happening once or twice a day. But they don't just come and go...they last for up to 15 minutes and then go away. I also think I am losing my mucus plug. I had a tiny drop of blood and more discharge lately. Could this be a sign that labor is coming soon?
you are having braxton hicks contractions most likley! That totally normal i didnt start having any kind of contractions until i was 39 weeks! And losing your mucus plug is a sign that labor is soon around the corner! you will start to lose very light mucus and as time draws nearer you will lost ALOT of mucus and then soon it will have a pink/brown tint to it! good luck