Mucus Plug-pg118054444326
3 Replies
I am 37 weeks and went to the doctor yesterday and am 1 cm dialated and my cervix is soft. I lost my mucus plug about a week ago.. I've been having contractions since I lost the mucus plug. Today they have been pretty consistent, about 20 min apart and feeling a lot in my back. Being active makes them much more instense. I am not in a lot of pain, just feels like a bad backache (kind of like when on period). I was induced with my first at 37 weeks, so I don't know exactly what I am suppose to be feeling in early labor. Does anyone know about how long after you lose you mucus plug things start happening?
it could happen w/in days or weeks. I lost mine over a week ago I am 37 wks and i haven't had any bh at all.
Do you always have to lose your muscus plug before you go into labor? I'm 37 weeks and there's no sign of me losing it.
things are different for everyone so nobody can actually tell you a right 39 weeks and 2 days now and i've lost my mucous plug 3 times already since i was 34 weeks.I just had the bloody show today and contractions have started and they are 7 mins apart but still doctor stripped my membranes also i'm just waiting now but there's no exact time for you until you see the bloody show.