No Bowel Movement And Cramping
1 Replies
I had to go poop a lot and now I went only once yesturdsay and it different than usual (S0FT) but then I felt like I had to poop a couple more times after wards and I couldnt poop. I have some more cramping today. I am 39 weeks pregnant, at my 38 week checkup I was 1-2cm dialated and 50% effaced. The cramping isnt really regular. Oh and when I go to the bathroom, I looked on my undies and it looked like water spots with white discharge, i am wearing sort of white undies, but if it was urine wouldnt it be yellow? Even know this is my 2nd pregnant, it's totally different my 1st pregnancy. I am just confused.
| - September 10 |
the pains sound like constipation.