Red Raspberry Leaf Tea-pg118090747283
4 Replies
I'll be 40 weeks tomorrow, as of Tuesday for the second week in a row I was 1cm and 60% effaced. I've tried the s_x and pineapples. Tomorrow, I'm going to go to the mall and walk for a few hours, and I wanted to try the red raspberry leaf tea tonight. Has it actually worked for anybody on here?
It didn't work for me, didn't even start any contractions. Blue cohosh didn't work for me either.
HI, I am only 30+4, with my first baby, but I do know people that it has helped but they all started drinking it weeks before their due date. They used to drink that along with pineapple juice in the morning and in the eveing. Some of them even said that it more helped labour rather than brought it on.
That's not what its used for.
Most of the foods people say to eat ,will not help induce labor. Only a few herbs can bring it on & only if you're body is ready to go. Evening primrose oil taken orally ( 3 capsules a day) will help thin your cervix (wont start labor, only helps progess you're cervix) & you can apply the oil directly onto your cervix. Alot of nipple stimulation (you have to use an electric b___st pump) can help bring contractions & s_x WITH orgasm (the s____n has very high concentration of prostaglandin to thin cervix & orgasm can sometimes start small contractions). None of these are guarunteed to work, but they can help.