Sent Home Dialated To A 3cm And Having Contraciotns
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I am currently 38 weeks dialated to 3cm
I have been having pretty good contractions, so I went into labor and delivery and they monitered me and the baby for about an hour.
The baby's heart rate went down really low and I was having some pretty good contracitons, so the dr wanted to do an ultrasound to make sure everything was ok, the baby was fine but she sent me home! I was so disapointed they said that if I was dialating then they wouldn't send me home but I was very uncomfortable and having contractions my lower back has been throbbing and still is, I am still currently having contracitons they are mild but uncomfortable like i am on a bad period. I am supposed to be induced September 7th, they are going to break my water but i don;t see why the dr doesn;t go ahead and keep me???
What do ya'll think?