How many cm Dialated do you have to be before your water starts to leak or when your water breaks? Thanks
With my first my water started to trickle when i was 2 cm. With my second the doc had to break it at 10cms right before i started pushing..some need to be broken or they could break before you even start to get contractions.
| Jo - September 5 |
My water started leaking but I didn't know how many centimeters I was until I got to the hospital and found I was 2 cm. My 3rd child I was in labor before my water errupted in the middle of a contraction. My 4th child the mid-wife broke my water.
| Liz - September 6 |
My water gushed out like a fountain when i was 4 cm. good thing i had a huge maxi on when it happened!!
With my 1st my water broke minutes before she was born.(just a few pushes)With my 2nd the docters had to break it right before he was born.(also just a few pushes)
| jen - September 20 |
With my first the doctor had to break my water. The doctor stated to me this pregnancy that 70% of the time they have to break the water.