I am currently 33 weeks, and my baby isn't due until March 5th, but I am constantly finding myself anxious and nervous. This is my first baby, and I have alot of unanswered questions, because I haven't had much help from other experienced moms in my family. What should I do about the worries I have? Is it normal to be this eager so early? I haven't attended birth classes, but should I? What about touring my hospital and such? It all seems a bit overwhelming at times. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Amanda, why not ask some of your questions here, I am sure we could all help you :)
It is very normal to be anxious, especially with your first baby.
I am at present pregnant with my 4th, and I am still anxious, I am actually more nervous about this labour than any of my others, which to me is strange, and I am so on top of getting an epidural it is frightening.......I had my first 2 babies with no pain relief, with my 3rd I had an epidural, and with this one, there is no way I am doing it without one, BUT I have had a spianl fusion, in 1998, and due to this they dont know wether I can have an epidural, I just cant get a straight answer from any of the doctors or midwives.....They have made me an appointment with an aneathatist for the 3rd of Feb, which to me is leaving it way too late, I am 34 weeks now, was in hospital last week with bleeding due to a low lying placenta, which has not moved (had an US done yesterday), so I am at this time facing a C-Section, which I would need an epidural for, but if I cant have one, will need to be given a general and totally knocked out, which I dont want.....I am at risk of early labour, and I feel as if they should be addressing the epidural issue NOW.......So as you can see I have worked myself up into a lather, when it could so easily be releaved if I had some answers........with knowledge comes piece of mind.
Sorry to go into a rant...lol....please ask away, and we will try to help you,.
| jg - January 17 |
Kimberly is right - this is the best way to have your concerns addressed, because you will be hearing personal experiences. I was worried about everything from the day I found out I was pregnant so that's normal. Definately attend birth cla__ses if you can - they really help prepare you for possibilities, and also you get the experiences of other mums-to-be and you can ask ANYTHING you want. I also found it fairly beneficial to tour the hospital just so I knew what was what and where everything was, though on the actual day of labour I have to admit that I didn't care about anything and the day pa__sed in a bit of a daze. I really focussed on the excitement of it all and the end result, and I went into labour feeling really happy and excited and stayed that way until bub arrived (still now 7 months later!), and I think making myself think like that helped me have a really positive birth experience. Ask anything you like here - don't feel dumb as no question is too gross or personal or weird.