Are These Early Signs Of Labor
88 Replies
Jessie, there are many rumors surrounding Castor Oil, and the only real danger with a healthy pregnancy is dehydration (doctors aren't exactly pro co, but....). Make sure you drink a lot fluids and possibly chicken or veg broth for the electrolites after the diareah and all should be fine. Meconium is caused by fetal distress, not castor oil. I only took castor oil under the guidance of my aunt, a nurse, who had success with it for all of her 3 pregnancies. I took 3 table spoons of castor oil chased by orange juice (cuts the gross consistency of castor oil). It really wasn't bad, and the poops weren't so bad either. Of course, it didn't work for me, but I'd try it again... I would recommend trying it because it just may be the magic touch for you.
hmm...i dunno maybe i might have to try it if i havn't gone into labor by monday. That way i wont have to be given potocine...cuz i heard that makes you feel like CRAP im not so sure about drinking chicken broth tho lol (yuk) but maybe if i get desparate i will try it. Im just really ready to be a mommy lol....
hi all my 3rd baby ime a little over 38 weeks last night i was having contractions not painfull and they were like once in a while this morning started getting more then started getting shooting pains this went on till the afternoon i thought this is it then it all went away ime gutted lol what happened there i dont know they were coming every 5-10 mins all day then stopped ime due dec 13th only 12 days to go
impatientMamma you still out there?...*sigh* my due date is tomorrow!! lol I can't wait for her to come out...maybe i might be lucky and i will go into labor tomorrow....I hope so cuz i can't stand this anymore! We finially picked a name out for her yesterday....Karina...what do ya think?..I like it..but i dont have a say so...i told my bf to pick the name b4 saturday or i would pick it..and he picked it before what can i do?...but anyways i wish ya the best of luck...hopefully ya had your baby and your holding the beautiful bundle of joy in your arms right now!
Hey Jessie, no such luck. I'm still here and as pregnant as ever!!!! 2 days overdue now. Karina is beautiful!!!!!! Maybe she was just waiting for her name, and now she's ready. :) We're having a boy... Ethan. He's had his name for months now, so... I can't have such high hopes.
Ethan is a cute name....*sigh* well looks like im going to be over due also...I can't wait to pop her out and get my body back lol I havn't gotten that big so im hoping that i will lose this weight pretty fast..but my luck i wont...(i dont like to exercise lol) good should be anyday now...the waiting is killer...
I'm feeling as though tonight is a good night to go into labor. What do you ladies think? May it come true for all of us!!!!!!
| hi - December 4 |
ive got 9 days left and ime so fed up now ive got very bad pressure down there and swollen all round my bum lol babys already estimated to be 9lbs and causing me to have piles ouch ive never had a baby that big and very frightened can the ultra sound weight be wrong ime really hoping so
wow 9lbs?....Its possible for the ultrasound to be wrong because afterall the only way you can tell for sure is to pop the baby out and weight 2 days overdue doctor is setting up an induction date for this week..i think because im only just barely 2cm 1 and half...IM SO HAPPY that my lil girl is finially going to be here soon!!! I have heard horror stories about being induced..but oh well i think i'll be fine..i have still hanging in there??? your WAY over due! you need to have that baby!!good luck to everyone!!
Hi everyone! I'm 37 weeks pregnant - due on christmas eve and i am so fed up - i have never been so uncomfortable in all my life and i can't wait to get my body back! i can't sleep that is why i am writing this at 2.45am. I was lay in bed having BH contractions and thought i'd get up and walk around to keep things moving - but they have stopped!! I could cry but then i do that everyday anyway so that would be nothing knew - my hormones are all over the place! have just been reading what everyone else has been writing - am really interested to know if jessie and impatientmamma have had their babys yet!! keep me posted!!
I am now officially 38 weeks due on Dec. 20th...I don't know if I have had bh contractions or not, but sometimes when I am walking around I feel sharp shooting pains in my groin region...i have gained 36 pounds and feel bohemith. arghhhhhh!!!!!
Hi, I'm almost due, it will be this Sat. 12/10 (hopefully). I can't wait! reading all your postings make feel a little better because at least I don't feel so alone having the same feelings as you all have, although it is not a good feeling. I could relate to Sarah, because I have been having this depression for weeks now, and have been crying every night. I thought the blues will only come after the baby's deliver but then I am wrong. My other friend had the same thing before she had her baby, she was having this same things. Talking helps a lot though. I talked to my husband about it last night and the release helped a lot. Not only it is good for your well-being but also builds up better relationships. I know it will still be there, but at least what ever helps is much better. I also have been having this pressure on my rectum now, like having the feeling of urgency to go, but it might just be the head of the baby pressing there. I know coz' I had the same experience with my first pregnancy. It really feels like you want to go, but nothing is coming out. Well, we're all almost there ladies, hang in there you all!!! Best of luck!!!
jessie & inpatientMamma good luck and I hope you have your babies soon. I thought I was the only one out there. I am 37 1/2 weeks preg. and I tried to get the doc to induce me but he said no. I am not Dilating baby Wyatt has dropped. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO I AM GOING CRAZY.
Thanks everyone I am 37 1/2 weeks and am going crazy. I have almost all of the early symptoms of preg. but I am not dilating and the doc is already talking about inducing on the 29 of dec. I am due on the 25. I just want him out already. is anyone still working. I am working until the 24 the day before my due date. is that Bad?
I still havn't had my baby yet...and i was supposed to get a call about setting up the induction for sometime this week but the lady hasn't called back, hopefully i will get the call tomorrow and be in for my induction by friday morning.yay!!! only 16 and im 3 days PAST due and still going to school everyday...Im sure your fine going to work up untill your due date...I mean not everyone has the luxury of taking time off BEFORE the birth...unless your having complications, i dont see anything wrong with it...
hello again everyone - still can't sleep! i really am getting fed up now! started eating fresh pineapple today - not really sure what its supposed to do but i'm willing to give anything a try. has anyone got any experience of eating fresh pineapple - does it work?