I have been having these horrible back pains in my lower back, I went to the hospital last night and they sd that my contractions were somewhat there but not regular, the dr sd I was dialated to a 2 and 50% effaced. After 2 hrs of monitoring the re-checked me and nothing had changed.They sd it was early labor and sent me home. How long does early labor last? But the pains in my back have come and gone all day long. I also feel like I have to poop all the time. Anybody ever had this happen to them? Am I close to labor? What can I do to speed this along, I cant take this back pain much longer. I have tried castor oil, enemas, walking and nipple stimulation, nothing seems to keep the contractions going they always seem to stop after a while. Thanks for any advice!!
Oh my! Thats exactly what happened to me! Awful lower back pains accept I timed my contractions and they were 3 min apart when I went to the hospital and they said they could not find my contractions on the monitor so they sent me home, and gave me a sleeping pill. Well they were wrong. I was in labor and slept in between my contractions, so I did not know what was going on. This was around 9:30 at night when they sent me home and I had him at 7:52 the next morning at a different hospital that didnt expect me because I had to be rushed there in an ambulance. I almost had him on my bed. Luckily I had no complications. So what Im saying is.. You are probably in labor. And if I could go back in time I would tell that doctor to "stick it" and "I am staying in the hospital until I have this baby!!" You might want to get a second opinion with another doctor.
im actually in the same situation as you at the moment ive had lower back and front pains on and off since 8pm last night, kept running to the loo most of the night but now they have just come back this afternoon. i rang the hospital and all they told me to do was sit and wait it out see if you have a show or waters break then thats time to go into hospital i hope it helps i am totally sympathetic with you for the pain as im in the same situation
I am having this tightening at the top of the uterus all the way to my back. I don't usually feel tightening at the lower abdomen. But this tightening is really painful! Is this still consider Braxton hicks or what? Wearing a bra is also getting painful because I can feel this tightening is choking me or something..Arghh..Anyone experiencing this! I am 40 weeks 2 days!!!