Okay, my wife is 39 weeks and can't wait to give birth. Like others have said, her mother suggested the delicious concoction (oil and oj), so she is on her way to the store. My first reaction to the tantalizing drink, was that it would cause stomach cramps and those cramps would possibly include labor. I wouldn't drink the stuff, unless I was out of beer. Lets hope it works. If so, I will have a daughter tonight. If not, I guess I will be heading to the store for some Pepto Bismol. I will keep you posted.
I took castor oil with my third child at 11:00 pm and I had a beautiful baby girl at 8:00 am the next morning I had a lot of contraction and diarrhea. I'm 37 weeks which is full term I will be 38 weeks on Tuesday right now I'm trying castor oil with apple juice.
I tried this 3 times and it did not work...lol i did to start to have contractions but then they fizzled
I am getting ready to take Castor Oil. I will let you know what happens. I am 38 weeks pregnant. Hope it works!
well, i posted on friday that i took the oil and im typing at home very slowly w/ baby in hand! i had him friday nite at 11:05pm :)
Congrats Kevyn! I had to take a 2nd dose later in the day on Saturday, this time 4 1/2 tablespoons, six hours later I went to the bathroom a few times, but nothing else happened, not even bowel cramps. SO, either I did not take enough or the baby is just not ready to come, either way, I'm just waiting it out. I am 40 weeks on Wednesday and hope he decides to come s-o-o-n.
I am updating on taking castor oil last night. I took 3 tbsp at 12:15 am and it is now 3:40 pm. I have gone to the toilet only 3 times, but have felt contractions all day. I just got back from my doctors appt, and I am now 2 cm dialated and 80% effaced. I think it worked for me. I may not have a baby yet, but I know that he is on his way soon! Last week I was not dialated or effaced at all!
Okay, so I took the Castor Oil Juice combo on the 30th...Around midnight I started to have strong contractions that were 5 min apart, then two minutes. I got scared and called the Doc. Went in dialated to 2cm with a thick cervix. They sent me home with a 3cm 50% effaced cervix and said he could feel my bag of waters bulging. He said, "I'll see ya by Tuesday." It's 5pm on Monday evening and I feel fantastic...no contractions, no nothing. Either this is the energy burst or I am not having this baby anytime soon.
I am 2 days over due i just sent my mother to the store to buy some castor oil, hope it works
I took it yesterday around 3:30 pm. I got nauseuos around 5 and puked my guts up. Then about 8 I started having strong painful contractiond 3 minutes apart. At 9 I went for a long walk so if they were false they would go away. When I got back and sat down they spread to 5 then 15. I woke up this morning and had diarhea. No baby!
maybe it just works for some people but not for others? i took 2tbsp at 1:30 on friday the 29th and immediately puked it up.... waited, ate, then took 2 more tbsp at 2:30ish went to the hospital around 8pm dilated to 5 1/2 had my second son (9lbs3oz) at 11:05pm. i labored so fast my sons father missed it! he was like 5 mins too late :( heck the doctor almost missed it! m glad i did or id still be pregnant or i mightve had to have a ceserean because he got stuck on his shoulder for a brief moment as it was and they said he wouldve been 10 lbs if i had waited... :?
i am 36 weeks and 1 cetermeter dialted as of three days ago. I have been having cintraction off and on. I had them for three hours last night, i'm thinking about taking some tommorow what should i do.
I used Castor Oil at 38 weeks. I took about 2 tbsps twice during the evening and then Iwoke up around 2 in the morning with contractions. I delivered that night.
Julianna, did you take drink anything with it? I sent my husband out at 1:30 to get some castor oil and I pucked it back up and I held my nose and every thing.What should I do?
its 6:30pm eastern time here.Ive just sent My Husband out to get me some caster oil and oj will try and see if it works Im due today and so ready to go.The last few weeks have been almost unbearable.I walk for atleast an hour every night.Im 2 centimeters dialated.Need to try this my youngest was 10 pounds 6 oz.He was 2 weeks late.Not wanting another 10 lbs baby.lol Ill let everyone know.
Ok its 7:15pm eastern time now.I just took 2 tbl spoons with oj and will see what what happens.it wasnt too bad.was kinda hard to get down just because it was so thick.