Contractions -pg116403922269
5 Replies
ok so im 2cm dilated 75% effaced -2 and its 11am ive been having irregular contractions since 5am i had a tiny amount of blood when i wiped maybe 3/5 times so that normal and is there anyway to make the contractions more regular??
Blood....if it is bright you should def. go to the doc asap regardless you need to call the doc to check u r too close.
some cervical change, bloody show, and the start of some contractions--sounds like real labor is on it's way!!! Take care!
oooh, sounds like me the day before I had my son! good luck! btw my contractions never got entirely "regular" -- if you think you need to go in to the hospital, do it. somehow I doubt they'd send you home.
if you have blod even a little and contraction even though irregular i would call your ob right away due to the fact that contractions dont always get regular and or the bleeding is a sign you are to close to just sit home and your ob will most likely want you in the hospital