Going Into Labour

1 Replies
amanda - May 30

how to bring labour on


Kim - May 30

Because of fluctuating blood pressure my midwife had me take this to help me go into labour (without shocking the body or baby) because otherwise the OB was going to induce. It's called BLACK COHOSH and is available at health food stores. Do not confuse it with blue cohosh as there is a major difference! You take one capsule twice daily (total per day is two capsules). I was dilated to 4cm before I even went into labour!! I'm not a doctor so I'd check with yours before starting this, but it worked for me. Other then that you can try: having s_x, stimulating the nipples (it has to be done for several minutes/hour so it's a bit of a pain) and lastly there's something to do with mineral oil. *Baby will come when baby is ready and before you know it time will be up. You've made it this far, so what's another week or so? BUT, if you've reached the 38 week mark and you're worried about it going past 40 weeks, BLACK COHOSH worked for me and it's a little slower then the other methods which makes it less stressful on the baby. Hope I helped, Kim fleur12@hotmail.com



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