Has anyone ever heard of or used LABOR BALM to induce labor????? Well If you have does it work or know of anyone it worked for???
I just ordered it, so I'm not sure. But hopefully it does. The site I ordered from said it will not start labor if you're body is not ready for it. I should have it in 2-4 days so I'll let you know. They said it should start labor within 24-72 hours of using it.
Oh, and they said that if I go into labor before using it I can send it back for a refund, so I figured why not give it a try:)
Amanda103....I ordered it on sunday as well hopefully it does work but its neat if you go into labor your aloud to return it but good look !!!!
I just got it in the mail today:) I'll let you know how it works!
I want to order this product as well. my due date in 9/9/06. Amanda103 I hope it has worked for you. It's LABOR DAY weekend!!! Please let us know. Alirsgirl4l, let me know if it has worked for you. I am excited to hear if this cream really works.
Well, so far no luck : ( It says to use it every 2-6 hours, but I only use it at night (it's really oily). Oh well, at least I can say I gave it a shot! Better luck to the rest of you! Babyblue, so many people have joked with me about having him on Labor Day, before it used to annoy me because I wanted him here before that, but I'll take it now! = )
babybluezy and amanda well it didnt work for me either i have been useing it since thursday last week and nothing i went in to the hospital last night with contractions and pressure and i was only about 2 cm dialated and my contractions werent close enough for me to be able to stay and today is labor day and still nothing i guess like you said amanda atleast we tried
I used the labor balm and had my son the next day. You are suppose to use it after you are already dilated to 2 cm. It sounds like some of you were using labor balm before you were 2 cm. On the Baby Belly Boutique website it says it won't work if you use it too soon. I was very happy with the product.
mamasbliss well i am now 2cm and 85% effaced i am 1 day overdue how many time did you use it before it worked(how many times did you rub it on)??
I used the balm about 3 times in the evening before bed and I think 2 times in the morning. I was 2 1/2 cm and 80% effaced, with random braxton hicks contractions. The balm made the contractions stronger and regular. Good Luck!
this looks neat...i looked on the baby belly boutique website. I may order this to use in several weeks since I'm only 35 1/2 weeks now. I'd never heard of this. How often are you supposed to put it on?
well ladies i still have not had my baby and my doc will not induce till next week i dont really want to be induced so i am going to try the labor balm again i havent been using it but i just rubbed some on right now i hope it works and amanda103 did it work for you??? Mamasbliss so you went into labor the next day that is sooo cool hopefully it works for me and cattac let me know if you purchase it and how it works out for you
hey, i ordered it. i'll probably use it in a few weeks and will let you know if anything happens.
Well i know its a lil late but i have been busy with the baby and recovering from my c-section well i really do believe labor balm works i tried it when i said i was which was 9/27 evening and in the morning on 9/28 i started having contractions @11am i waited for them to get stronger and so arrived at the hospital@ 5pm i was fully effaced and 3cm dialated but moving really fast had some complications due to the babies size and after 3 hours of pushing ended up having an emergency c-section and my lil boy was born at 8:21am on the 29th so i really do recommend the labor balm i feel this is what worked for me
I know it's been a while since anyone posted to this thread, but I wanted to let you know that I went into labor the next day from my last post (09/03/06). I had my ds on 09/04, I didn't come back and post right away because I ended up having a c-section, and I was too wiped out to do anything other than taking care of the baby. I don't know if it was the labor balm or what, but I was 6 days early!
hey - i just ordered labor balm. anyone else have any luck with this?