Naturally Inducing Labour
474 Replies
Here are some methods I researched to prepare for or induce labor naturally:
1. Evening Primrose Oil - taken 2 orally and 2 as a v____al suppository nightly up to one week before your due date will soften cervix and ease labor. (Also, may prevent pre-eclampsia in third trimester). (Worked for my sister who labored for 2 hours and pushed out her first baby at 7lbs in 30 minutes)
2. Nature's Sunshine 5-W capsules - taken 3 times daily for the 5 weeks leading to your due date. This will tone your uterus and help ease labor.
3. Red Raspberry Leaf Tea or Capsules - (Traditional Medicinals has the best pre-packaged tea and Nature's Sunshine has the best capsules) - Capsule taken 1 per day at the beginning of second trimester and then 2 per day at beginning of third trimester OR (not both) 1 cup of infusion or tea taken once per day at 2nd trimester and 2 times per day at third trimester until 38 weeks and then can be drank 3 times per day, this will strengthen your uterus, ease labor, help with placenta birth, reduce bleeding and improve circulation as well as a__sist with milk production after birth. If taken during labor as a tea in hot water will shorten duration of labor. (May prevent pre-eclampsia).
4. Castor oil - promotes contractions in bowels and intestines and uterus. Must be very careful with this especially if baby isn't turned yet.
5. Black and Blue cohosh tintures also promote onset of contractions.
Final thought, my sister-in-law lost her baby three days before her due date, he was born stillborn and perfect. The doctor told her that if they had induced at least one week before he would be alive and healthy. Her placenta and uterus were not strong enough to keep him alive at that point. The placenta tore and the baby drowned in blood. This was enough for me to research methods to strengthen my uterus and induce naturally. I developed pre-eclampsia with my first and I almost died at 36 weeks with full b__wn eclampsia at which point I was induced. Now, at 16 weeks with my second child I have already begun the RRL infusions. I suggest to all moms to prepare their bodies early on. Most mothers don't eat well enough to not supplement with vitamins and minerals. Good luck to all of you.
| Jo - August 5 |
Black or blue cohosh mixed with teas or 3 to 4 drops under tongue, rasberry leaf tea worked for me last time. Could always go with wonderful castor oil.
I have tried everything also. I was due yesturday the 4th. They are going to induce on monday if I do not go in to labor. I GIVE UP!! She will come when she comes.
Is it just me or are docs becoming alot looser about induction. Bobbie you are so lucky your doctors are already talking about inducing you. With my first child (almost 7 yrs. ago), I was almost 2 weeks over due and I had to beg to be induced. I'm due August 29th and my doctor said they could induce at 39 weeks without a medical reason before I could get the question out of my mouth.
i was just wondering how much longer after the baby is in position will labor start, im 37 weeks and my babys head is in position and im only dialated about 2cm
You never know when labor will start. You can go into labor and not be dilated at all. Of course, I would feel better if I was, because at least I would know there was a start. But your lucky. I'm also 37 weeks and I haven't even begun to dilate.
i had asked before for suggestions on how to help start up my labor well let me tell you guys that i have tried everything and nothing works, the baby will come out when its ready ladies if you want to go ahead a try all the things go ahead but it will just be a waste of your money let me tell you i have spent a little over $250 dollars trying to induce my labor i was due July 29th, and i am sttill pregnant well i will be induced on the 9th of August , i just wanted to tell you all that no matter what you do if your body and your baby aren't ready it wont work believe me i tried everything in the books and out of the books.
I have found that nothing has worked for me. I was due the 30th of July and have still not delivered despite all of the long walks,s_x,pineapple,swimming,scrubbing floors...on and on,etc. etc. I have been having contractions for 2 weeks but they are no shorter than 15 minutes apart and have not strengthened at all. Going to the doc every 4 days and my cervix is not dialating..Ugh! I did have an ultrasound and fetal monitor last week,baby and uterus look fine and healthy so my doc will not induce. My thoughts are if you are overdue and healthy the baby must need to stay in a while longer for a number of reasons. My first preg was 3 days early and labor only 11 hrs....this preg has been the opposite. Another thing to remember is a due date is not an exact science and nature is quite unpredictable. Just relax and use this time toget things done you will NOT be able to accomplish when the baby comes, and of course relax!!! :) :)
I go to the doc today and I am really hoping he will set a date to induce! I am gettign quite overdue.
please tell me something that will work 39 weeks
Nothing works until your cervix begins to dilate and for some ladies it still may not. So if anyone is as unlucky as me, sitting around with a cervix sealed up tighter than a jar of spaghetti sauce, I guess all we CAN do is wait.
Hey Jenn I'm due on Sept 1st and my doctor said if I go into labor naturally, they'd encourage it, but otherwise they won't induce. Maybe I should switch to your obgyn!! S_x isnt working, but it keeps the husband happy lol. I cant sleep b/c of heartburn and terrible sciatic nerve pain. Maybe if i go in crying on thursday they'll change their minds?! I finally dropped, at least that is a good sign. Does anyone know if that means it could be soon?
I have read and read and read that when you drop it could be a sign that labor will begin in two weeks. I'm due Aug.29 and I think the only reason my doc even said that they would induce at 39 wks. w/o medical reason is because I'm not just tired of being pregnant. I have a little girl starting the 1st grade and she needs me just as much as my newborn will and if I'm in the hospital she's not getting what she needs from me when she begins school. Now, when I was pregnant with her, it was a completely different story. I was going to the same doctor's office, nearly 2 wks. overdue, and I had to BEG for them to put me in labor. I literally showed up at the hospital and said I wasn't leaving until she was out because I had been having painful braxton hicks for a week and couldn't sleep or anything. I don't know if it is the difference in years (that was nearly 7 yrs. ago) or if it is because this is my second child that they offered so quickly. Is this your first? I know it sucks but hang in there. I don't know where you live, but a couple of weeks ago, we had three days in a row where it was over 100 degrees with a heat index of like 110. So all those girls who had their babies in June who were whining about being to hot, don't know what heat is. I know your hot and miserable, me too, but just hang in there. It's all we can do.
I think a lot of it is coincidence. Your body gets anxious when it's time anyway. But s_x couldn't hurt. I have heard that black and blue cohash works, raspberry leaf tea, castor oil, s_x, nipple stimulation, deep touches to your cervix, and many other things. I do know when I went into labor with my son I had 16 oz of mineral oil, 14 miles of exercise on a stationary bike, nipple stimulation, cervical groping, and a maniacal driver going up and down his bumpy driveway. As soon as I went to bed (I gave up) my water broke and all at once I pa__sed my plug and began contracting. DO NOT USE MINERAL OIL! I found that this causing bleeding in unborns. The caution is on most places you look up mineral oil with pregnancy. Example: on yahoo enter pregnancy mineral oil. You'll see at least 20 sites telling you that's a no-no. Of course my labor started before the mineral oil did--I ended up pooing on myself after my son was born.
Yes this is my first baby and it was 101 degrees at 5:30 today. Yuck. And I live in the midwest...
| jo - August 10 |
I feel for all of you, the last few weeks are more than any one warned me about. I am 39 weeks and my doctor will induce next week if I choose. I heard that induction can increase the chance of needing a c-section. Is this true? My baby has dropped, I am 2.5cm dilated and 30-40% effaced. I just want to make the right decision. any advice would be appreciated.
I don't really think anything works. I have heard of so many things working for some women, and not for others. Many people just a__sociate whatever they were doing before they went into labour with 'starting' their labour. My sister really really wanted to go into labour at 38 weeks, she took castor oil, black cohosh, used evening primrose oil and 'curb-walked' for almost an entire day. Her contractions started but she had 7 days of mild contractions before her son finally showed up.
Having said all that, trying spicy foods, nipple stimulation and s_x certainly cant hurt, and if they work for you, Awesome!