Naturally Inducing Labour
474 Replies
What is the brown sugar thing?
Hiya, ive been told that rasberry leaf tea is suppose to work, im due 2moz so ive just started drinkin it. u can get it from any natural remidies store like holland and barrett and stuff. i asked the girl who worked there wot else and she told me basicly
HOT s_x
lol so im tryin the tea and gettin a nice hot bath later
No offense, but if your not due for another two months, I really don't think you should be trying anything to induce labor yet. I don't even think you are supposed to drink the raspberry tea until you are 38 weeks pregnant. If your baby is born 2 mths. premature, he/she is probably going to spend a great deal of time in the NICU and you will have to come home without your baby until the baby reaches a certain wait and lung development. You can however take evening primrose oil tablets starting at 34 wks. (you can take 2 v____ally or orally-v____ally is best) to help ripen your cervix for delivery. You can increase your dose to 3-4 tablets at 38 wks. but this is not going to put you in labor, just help your cervix out a bit.
Hey Jenn! Welll....On Thursday I posted my last pregnancy message!! I ended up breaking my water at 2pm that day! Autumn Lynn, 6lbs, 20inches even! Beautiful! Here's all the things I did, even though none of them are known 'remedies' like castor oil or cohosh: Cleaned the house from top to bottom (husband got glad) Mowed the yard (husband got mad) Had rigorous s_x (husband got glad) and of course talked all morning about how to break my water to my best friend! Apparently, my little girl was ready! Here's to all of you! Good luck with yours. Jenn--hope everything works out! --Jenny
Congratulations on your baby girl. I'm so happy for you. Today I also cleaned my house from top to bottom and the only thing I have to show for it is an aching back, aching legs and feet. Oh, yes, and a really clean house. I'm 39 wks. and I still haven't begun to dilate. They say with second pregnancy the baby sometimes doesn't even drop until the onset of labor and sometimes you may not even begin to dilate until then. So, I guess this is normal. He'll get here when he gets here. In the meantime, it's looking like I'm definately going to be able to get my daughter of to a good start in the 1st grade. Yeeaaahhh!!! Jenny, I'm really happy for you. Enjoy that beautiful baby girl of yours and let me know how your settling in as a new mommy. Congratulations again!!! :-) -Jenn
How did u Break your water.. i went to hospital wit nausea two days ago and my ob doc was there she started me on pitocin in my iv and had it increased every 15 min for two hours I was in extreme pain for 12 hours and I'm only 4cm dilated and 80% efface.. doc said if my water broke it would of been perfect I got sent home wit meds to relieve the contraction im 40 wks and all im waitin for now is water to break but if it dont by thursday then shell do it... baby really dont come ontil he's ready even wit help..
I have never heard of a hospital giving someone pitocin at 40 weeks and then just send them home because they didn't dilate fast enough. Why didn't they just break your water then?
That's so strange.
That's exactly what I was thinking. My doctor's would never have induced labor and then sent the patient home. They would have broken the water. They did with my first daughter. I thought that was bad for the baby!?!
They didn't break my water because the baby hadnt move down into my pelvis I wouldnt lie about this... I wanted them to break it but the baby was too high.. I they broke it themselves then Id been at a great risk of C-section,,, and with my history of surgerys baby might go home but I wont.. i was already 3-4 cm when i got at the hospital so now i'm jus at positive 4cm.. she said its best ti let baby do its work because if my water breaks naturally then that means he's in the right postion.. I signed all the admiting papers and circ_msition papers and told family and friends the baby would be here the doc even said the baby a be born that nite around 9 o clock but i got no baby now how do u think I feel...
I'm not saying you are lying. I'm saying, what your doc did sounds dangerous to you and your baby. Putting you in labor for 12 hours and then just stopping it is ridiculous. Only 15% of woman have thier water break on thier own before labor begins. If the baby was too high then they should have given you a C-section, because if your water doesn't break now it sounds like they will do a C-section anyway. So that 12 hours of pain you endured was for nothing. Oh and it's highly likely that if they had of broken your water the baby would have dropped into your pelvis anyway. I've had 4 children and none them 'dropped' until I had my water broken.
I don't think that your doctor's are being fair to you. Don't they have someone on call at all times to handle emergencies if necessary? It seems to me that they shouldn't have made you go through all that pain to pack you up and send you home just because their shifts were ending. Besided you never know when a woman is going to come into the hospital and need an emergency c-section so why wouldn't someone be on call for that? I'm sorry you are having to go through all that. I don't think they are being fair to you at all but I hope things go well for you and you will have a beautiful baby to show for all your troubles soon.
Thank u should I let things take its course or should I be a Bugga boo... I know 4 sho thursday i will have a healthy baby to sho fo,, what should i do to pa__s the time away.. rgis babys movin so hard and ive been leakin milk every two hrs, only thing missin is my boy in my arms,, my other kids start school this week and i wanted to be there but hubby will handle this week but i dont wanna go into labor nowhere but home so im chillin since im 4 cm this baby could come fast.
I know how you feel. My daughter starts school this Thursday and I am due Mon.29th. I just know I'm going to be in labor come Thursday and not be able to take her to school. I don't think there is anything you can do to help your water break. I think you kind of have to wait that one out. If it makes you feel any better I went to the doctor last Friday because I felt a gush and I started shaking, and feeling nauseated, with diarrhea. The doctor told me my water hadn't broke so it must have been v____al discharge (since when does that gush) or urine (think I'd know if I'd p__sed myself. Whatever it was, I was soaked and I have had nausea and diarrhea every day since. Of course, the best part is, I'm in my 40th week of pregnancy and I haven't even begun to dilate. They would induce my labor for me if I would dilate some but my body is not cooperating with that idea. Oh well. I guess we will both be sitting here, staring at these computer screens, and waiting our little hearts out, huh? Good Luck -Jenn
Good Luck Monique. You too Jenn.
My daughter starts first grade Thursday. I had strong contractions for 4 hours last night three minutes apart and they went away. I'm so scared I will be in the hospital when she starts school. My husband is not her dad and I need to be the one to take her, her first day. I wish I knew when this baby was coming, life would be a lot easier right now...LOL
It looks like the two of us are really in the same boat. My husband is not the father of my little girl either and her daddy lives an hour away. It makes it kind of hard for him to get here to take her to school. Although my daughter would probably be just find with my husband taking her to school this is his first baby and he needs to be at the hospital with me. Besides, you know how it is, you are not going to feel like your daughter is getting a good start to the school year if you don't take her. When are you due? This sucks doesn't it?
I'm actually due the 25th and I know exactly what you mean. This is my husbands first child too. I want him to be with me but I know if push comes to shove he may have to take her. I'm so miserable. My sister called me a 1 am last night to tell me she couldn't babysitt so I could go to my doctors appointment today. I'm reallly bummed about it. I was looking forward to hearing my progress. I lost my plug last night and now I'm just waiting. You watch, it will be our luck we go into labor Wednesday night.. Ugggh