Naturally Inducing Labour
474 Replies
I tried step ups with both of mine and was in labour within the next 2 hours with both!
S_x is really your best bet according to my doctor. Of course it hasn't worked for me yet.
All of the things suggested here are only going to encourage the cervix to ripen, not necessarily bring on labour. A labour can only be 'brought on' naturally, well naturally! Any of the suggestions here will tip you over the edge if you were going to go anyway according to my OB. I am now almost 42 weeks, am walking every day, having s_x as often as I can actually get into a satisfactory position (!!), nipple stimulation to the point that I am spontaneously having let downs etc etc etc - still NO baby. All is ready - baby in place, cervix ripe and being told by OB any day now. He will not induce for non-medical reasons (temporary insanity is apparently not a medical condition!) & I agree with him. Remember girls, most of us signed up for this & it is better to have a baby who was ready to come than one that was not.
im 39 weeks pregnant, i really want labour to begin, like NOW!! iv tryed casta oil but all that did was upset my tummy. iv tryed s_x, but that doesnt seemed to of worked. im just going to wait, even though i really dont want to wait any longer.
I'm nearly 38 weeks and due to be induced next week (medical reasons). For 3 days i've tried nipple stimulation - everytime I do it I start getting tightenings and period like pains and my obstetrician said that this is the cervix ripening so it's obviously helping. Also having fresh pineapple and regular s_x seems to be helping too. I had raspberry leaf extract in my last pregnancy and had an eclamptic fit a couple of days later - it may or may not be related but my sister also had it and heamoraged really bad so i'm not risking this time. I've heard bouncing on a space hopper helps bring the head down and open the pelvis so i'm happily bouncing around!!
i'm 30 weeks pregnant and I wish by 37 weeks that's I'll deliver. A friend of mine tried castor oil and she has diarreah for 2 days after and not one contraction. If you want to clean out your bowels..use it. Otherwise it doesn't cause labour to start. I'm going to try nipple stimulation. You can do it with warm towels but my husband doesn't mind helping me out with that one! (wink)
What are some of the most effective ways to induce labor naturally and from home????
Have taken 2 doses of raspberry leaf tablets and had a show this morning. have been walking and frantically cleaning my kitchen cupboards. Wouldnt try to induce labour prior to 37 weeks due to absence of fetal suck reflex and iffy lung maturity . . better to STILL be pregnant than have a baby on NICU.
Please be careful about trying to induce before your due date. If your periods were not regular your due date my be off. Hospital induction is not as fun or easy as some people make it to be. It is not entirely safe either, remember there are side effects to medications. I would not recommend pressuring your doctor for an induction unless you are overdue (and I don't mean just 1 day) or there is a medical need for the induction. Of course complications can result from a baby staying inside mom too long, so if your at 42 weeks and your doc won't induce I would find someone who will. I know its hard sometimes at the end of a long pregnancy, but have patience. Your baby will come when it is ready. Don't rush into induction before your due date. There are complications to preterm birth, sometimes even at 36 weeks. Some babies do fine, but others just need that extra time for lung maturity. Take it from an NICU nurse, I have seen plenty of 36 weekers who need to be on the ventilator because their lungs are just not ready yet. Take care and good luck.
Why are you all in such a hurry to have your babies? As miserable as you may be, taking care of the baby once it's born is a hundred times harder than being pregnant. I had to have my daugher at 36 weeks because of preeclampsia. She spent 10 days in the NICU, hooked up to all kinds of monitors. Seeing her struggle to breathe, and not being able to take her home when I was discharged from the hospital were two of the hardest things I ever had to do. Also, she had to have surgery when she was 3 months old to repair hernias which were probably caused by her early birth. Please, wait until you're overdue before trying to induce labor yourself. If it's a matter of your comfort versus the baby's health, the baby's health should be the clear winner.
Suzanne, do not use castor oil ! It can bring on extremely bad contractions.I too had an induction and i tried everything. Nothing worked.I tried s_x, oregano, pressure points.walking. Good luck
well im still here, very much pregnant lol. looks like im going to be late :o(
The only way the castor oil will work is if your body is ready..I've tried it while being dialated and effaced and now three days later, still no baby! But it may work for you...Good Luck!
Long walks, walking up and down the stairs , s_x and orgasms, lol. I did these lots with both of mine. With my son I walked 5 miles at around 6pm then had s_x at midnight, I went into labour an hour later 5 weeks before he was due. With my daughter I was approaching my due date so I did nothing but walk for 2 days and then had s_x 3am. I went into labour at 11am 2 days before she was due.
| di - April 6 |
Some midwives believe that pregnancy is of variable length and that we try to naturally induce a baby that just isnt ready. I was 2 weeks 'overdue' with my daughter and tried everything to get her out. S_x got contractions started but then I had 32 hrs of active labour to contend with! My advice - get lots of rest, drink lots of fluids and you will be better prepared for the main event than I was!
I'm a genius! Dunno if the castor oil works (yet) as I just took it. But for those afraid of the taste:
Blue Listerine
Gla__s of cold soda
Pre-measured cup of castor oil
Hold your nose and chug the castor oil. While still holding your nose immediately rinse with Listerine. Breathe through mouth and repeat Listerine (don't let go of that nose!). Repeat Listerine until all grease is out of mouth. Take a couple swigs of soda (you can still breathe from your mouth...just not your nose) and THEN release your nose. Enjoy the rest of your soda.
My worst burps taste a little like lipstick...nothing intolerable. Be sure to finish your soda...I think it helps settle your stomach so you won't puke.
I'm off to have s_x and a warm bath...let's hope for the best!