was anyones plug like a buig yellow booger? (sorry to be so graphic)
it looks like yellowish greenish snot. and its about the size of your pinky all together.
well when i went to l&d last monday she told me that i was starting to loose my mucus plug and for the past two days everytime i wipe i have a greenish yellowish snot stuff come out (sorry if tmi) and everytime its about the size of a quarter yesterday when i woke up when i wiped nothing came out and then one time when i went some came out and then after that nothing and then later on that night it was there everytime i went so i thought it was my mucus plug cause i had went into labor the night before but now i dont know what do you think that it could have been cause my discharge never looked like that
yeah that was definatly your mucus plug. It dosent have to come out all at once.